✨"ᗯᗴᒪᑕᗝᗰᗴ ⓉⓄ ℕΣV€Řןɐup!!"✨

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Prologue part 2

"Welcome... to NEVERLAND" The boy clad in green, that is sometimes known as Micheal and other times Peter Pan, shouts proudly as he floats in the air in front of the large ship. All the boys stare in wonder as the ship draws closer to the floating island. Unnoticed to most boys as they pass over the clouds below them they become sea water. The ship slowly lowers until it settles into the sea and continues sailing, now being controlled by the crew, pulls into Prince Cove and docks.

People come pouring out of the huts and houses eager to greet the new Pan Prince. Micheal flies up into the air and lands on the dock before reaching into the group of boys and pulling out his successor.

"What's your name?" Micheal asks the boy.

"Petros but everyone calls me Peter" the boy says hesitantly.

"Perfect" Micheal says with a wide smile. Micheal rises off the ground once again, so everyone can see him. "We welcome the new Pan Prince!" he yells happily. While the boys all look confused, the people from the village hurrah and celebrate.

The crowd quickly adjourns and disperses as they prepare for a feast. Micheal grabs Peter's hand and leads the confused boy to his tree house.


The Story of Neverland:

Long ago Neverland was ravaged by wars and weakened by unbelievers. Their people had lost hope and given up long ago. Everyone was battling for control, the main ones being Blackbeard and The Natives. The natives mainly used Guerrilla tactics and would ambush the pirate troops but the pirates soon learned their methods and were evenly matched. This war continued for years and each battle destroyed more and more of the land. (I do realize this sounds somewhat like the movie Pan, I'm sorry, its not purposeful) One boy from a recently destroyed village gathered the remaining children and stole a flying ship. This one boy, an important child to both the pirates and the Indians, flies the ship to the center of another battle and stands on the gang plank. The other children shout at him, telling him he's crazy or he's going to die. By now the argument had floated downward and the battle had paused as people look up. They form a small space of open ground right below the gang plank. Almost everyone from both sides are now yelling for him to stop. The boy nods in resignation to the boys as he turns towards the crowd below "When will you stop fighting?" he asks. "Is it when you unite over common ground or when enough people die?" He then turns back towards the children and steps backwards.

Time slows down as the boy falls. Blackbeard calling out in fear while TigerLily also calls out in fear. Both run forward as they watch their child fall. The boy falls through the air but does not scream or even flail in panic, he is just silent. He is inches away from the ground when he stops and floats upward until his feet are level with everyone's heads. "Look around, for once you have stopped fighting because both sides care. You have accidentally mixed with one another because you are not that different. " The wise boy continues his speech as people look around and realize that they might be able to work together. Meanwhile deep beneath the ground the very soul of Neverland stirs, sensing something different, something compelling change. The volcano that sits in the center of this island rumbles and a voice speaks up, seeming to come from everywhere and also nowhere.

"Who are you, boy?" A sleepy woman's voice asks. Everyone looks around in confusion.

"I am Peter. And who are you?" The boy answers.

"Arrogant," she mutters quietly then actually replies, "I am Neverland." Most of the gasps and murmurs while others stare at the boy. It is rare that Neverland's actual soul rouses from her slumber so it is a special occasion when it happens.

"Have you ever heard of a Pan Prince, boy?" She inquires.

"No" he says, shaking his head.

"A Pan Prince is a boy chosen to be the guardian of the land. They are born emanating a feeling of safety and can access the magic of Neverland. A Pan Prince is only born in a time of need." She explains.

"Wait so you're saying I'm a Pan Prince?" They boy asks surprised then gets a slightly smug smile.

"Yes," she says, "but this is not a power to be abused and is a great honor." The boy nods.

In the end the boy becomes the first Pan Prince of a long line and kept the balance of Neverland while ruling over it fairly. 


"So are you a Pan Prince?" Peter asks Micheal in wonder. 

"Yes but not for much longer"


"Because it is now your turn"

"My turn? No no no"

"It's okay, it'll take a little while to sink in so why don't you get some sleep and we can talk more in the morning."

"Sleep? but it was just..." Peter trails off as he pushes the door flap aside to reveal a peaceful night. "Oh, where are the rest of the boys?" 

"Probably asleep in the bunk house, I'll show you." Micheal pushes aside the flap and steps outside into the warm night, for once not flying. He leads Peter down the winding steps to the ground and a little ways through the village until they reach a large log cabin. Micheal holds open the door and Peter steps inside before turning back to him, hesitant. "Just find an empty bunk, it'll be fine and I'll come pick you up after breakfast" Micheal says in reply to his unasked question.


Okay so I think my story idea is pretty cool and awesome but I'm not sure how far I'm going to get and I might get stuck and will have to pause to give it a proper direction.

-Chessie out

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