The First Visit

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The first time Poseidon visited his son, he was barely eight months old.

Sally Jackson was holding her baby, smiling as the corners of his mouth turned down in his sleep. He was adorable. She stroked some of his messy black hair from his eyes. It grew like wildfire. A sigh met her lips as he fidgeted around in his sleep. He looked so normal.

But he was the complete opposite.

A demigod. The son of Poseidon. Destined for great things, he had said . . . .

A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. Worry instantly took over her, as it always did. The worry was driving her insane. And her son wasn't even one year old yet. Gently, she turned so she could stand up, still clutching her baby. She wasn't letting go. Nobody would ever make her let go of her child.

As she opened the door, a familiar face met her. He was looking almost bashful as she blinked. Hard. Was she going insane? Because there was no way he could just be stood there, right in front of her. It hadn't been too long ago that he had left after all. She blinked again. And again. And again. She blinked repeatedly, trying to make sure that he really was stood there, right in front of her. Sally's breath caught in her throat as she finally forced herself to try and get some words out.

"Poseidon . . . " she said, under her breath, still completely shocked.

"Hello, Sally," he said steadily. As calm, as handsome, as smooth as ever. "May I come in?"

She noticed his eyes were flickering from her to the slumbering child in her arms. Sally instinctively held Percy tighter, although she knew he was in no danger. This was his father. He would never harm his own son.

'What are you doing here?'

'Can I not come to visit my son?' he asked his voice smooth and charming. As always, a voice said in Sally's head. She felt her resolve crumble, however. She stood aside, gesturing for Poseidon to walk inside. As he did, he closed the door for her. She headed towards the couch in the small living area of the apartment. When she turned back to the man she had - and probably always would - desperately loved. He was watching Percy with narrowed, thoughtful eyes.

'It's been a while,' she said tersely. Poseidon laughed a bark like laugh, his eyes finally tearing off of their child to look her in the eyes. However, he didn't say anything.

'I came,' he started eventually, 'to see you were safe. To see both of you were safe.'

Sally felt her face soften. This man had broken her heart. But he wasn't a man. He was much more. And that was why she couldn't blame him too much.

'As you can see, we're fine,' she said, looking down to stare at her still sleeping son. She stroked his cheek lightly, and when she looked up again, Poseidon was sat beside her, looking down at his son.

'Can I hold him?' he asked, sounding strangely vulnerable. Sally almost laughed. He was a God. He could easily overpower her, if he wanted to. She nodded, passing their son as gently as possible into his arms. He took him and it struck Sally suddenly of how strong their resemblance to one another was. She found herself smiling. How she longed for everyday to be like this . . . It couldn't be though. He was a sea god. She was a mortal. It would be just plain wrong. Plus, if Zeus or Hades found out . . . she hated to think about what could happen. Two things were for sure though: She would never take Percy on a plane. She would never take him to Los Angeles, or pretty much anywhere in California, just in case.

Her son was not going to hell.

He held him for a few moments longer. Perhaps it was a minute. Maybe more.

'Percy Jackson,' he said softly. 'Perseus.'

Sally tried to stop herself from saying her next few words, but she couldn't help it. They blurted out of her.

'I've missed you.'

Poseidon didn't get angry, to her surprise. Or annoyed. He simply smiled sadly, passing Percy back to her. He stood up, his face oddly blank suddenly.

'I must leave,' he said. 'Just remember . . . . he's not always going to be safe.'

She opened and closed her mouth as he headed towards the door. Was this it? A brief visit? And with barely any words? Percy deserved more than that. Hell, Sally deserved more than that. Finally, she managed to speak.

'I've kept him safe for six months,' she blurted out. He turned to her, looking faintly amused.

'Too right you have,' he said quietly. As he reached the door, he stopped again, but this time he didn't turn to face her. Sally liked to think it was too painful for him. But maybe that was just wishful thinking. He was Poseidon. He was unpredictable all of the time.

'If it's any consolation, I'm always going to miss you, Sally.'

And then he was gone.

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