Taking a Break.

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  • Dedicated to Bethany Bitters

I didn't want to talk to him anymore because I needed my space.  Space, because I needed to figure some stuff out on my own. Why didn't he like me? Did he know he was teasing me? 

It had been only 3 days and I needed to talk to him, I was craving attention from him, from anyone. I just wanted someone to care for me. He didn't, well at least not in the same way I had cared for him. What was I even doing, he doesn't care about me at all. I started thinking about ridiculous things, I needed to talk to him. I grabbed my phone, and went to text him, our previous conversation burned my eyes. I put my phone down. Progress.

Progress my ass, ten minutes later I was reading it again. Gosh, I was just obsessing over nothing, ready to crash, crash into something that wouldn't save me. I was doing fine though, I just needed someone to talk to.

"Hey broski."


"I don't think I want to be friends with Josh anymore."

"What why?"

"Because I need to avoid talking to him, because I feel like he's hurting me."


"Thanks for being supportive or encouraging me."

I got up from the couch and ran into my room.

I can't wait to get out of here. I thought to myself. Thankfully there was some sort of a festival tonight. Yay! Leaving, just what I needed.

"Alright, everyone let's go!" My dad yelled as we picked up my favorite cousin Gilbert and Anthony's girlfriend, again. I groaned when she entered the car,

"Hi Ava." She smiled, and rolled her eyes as she turned away.

"Hi Katrajinah." I smiled bigger and squinted my eyes.

"God, why is she always here?" I leaned over and whispered to my sister.

"I don't know, but she needs to leave."  We both chuckled.

After an hour of sitting behind her , I could taste her perfume. I was starting t get a little light headed. We finally reached the stupid festival which entailed nothing but sitting around and food. I rushed out of the car and took in a big whiff of mountain air. 

"Sweet nontoxic oxygen!" 

"Ew, what are you talking about?" Katarjinah rolled her eyes and snapped her purse over her shoulder.

Whatever. God I hate festivals, why did I come? So we walked inside and got some food and found a table after about an hour of standing around. Chips and calamari, dude my stomach was rumbling so loudly I'm pretty sure randoms were getting curious as to why there was a dying whale sound in the middle of California, no where near the beach.

"Hey do you want to go get some treats?"

"Yeah, sure, why not Amber?" 

My sister and I left to get some pastries, which we did, and then after we went to watch some dancing in the center of the festival.

"Oh my god that guy is cute."

"Which one Ava?"

"Short, blonde, facial hair."

"Psh No he's not!"

The song ended.

"You dare to tell me he's attractive?"

"Double dog dare you."

"Fine!" I got up and went up to him.

"I think you're attractive, that's all, I'm just going to walk away now."

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