Chapter One: Mae govannen

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***Leandra's POV***

I could only feel darkness...

Come to the light, young one...

My body couldn't move, I saw a glow in the distance.

There is much to be done, you must follow my voice...

This was a woman's voice, I knew it. I forced myself to move, something held my hand...warm and soft. It was comforting.

That's it...follow my voice. You aren't far now. Come to me!

The voice was getting louder, I hurried toward the light, my breath hurt like fire, but I had to keep going. I didn't know what else there was to do.

A little further, my dear...

I felt the warmth of the light take me in...then any pain or cold I felt was gone. It felt like my body was suspended in warm water...yet I was dry.

Good, good! Now wake up, my's time to see your new home...

The voice was then gone...I smiled.


I woke up to the sound of people talking. "Mithrandir, where did you find her? Her mind was full of darkness...something was trying to take her." The woman's voice was so clear, only a few feet away.

I laid in warm covers, silk to the touch, but heavy and warm like cotton. My eyes opened and I stared at the winding wooden ceiling, like it was a living tree.

I sat up carefully and looked around the royally styled room. It was beautiful...elvish.

"My Lady, I found her on the shore to the west, near the Blue Mountains...the mermaids did not touch her. Nor the serpent men. She is something...different. I don't know yet, but she has a great purpose to serve...She is neither from Valinor or Middle Earth...but her purpose is here. I'm sorry for not getting here sooner." I knew this new voice. A man.

I looked to the balcony and saw an amazing sight. Lady Galadriel...and Gandalf the Grey.

I got out of bed and deftly tip-toed toward them. "H-...hello...?" I asked nervously.

They both quickly turned as if I had interrupted a moment, they looked at me with wide eyes.

I looked down at my clothes to see if something was wrong with me. I was simply wearing my tan cowboy boots, bootcut jeans, a blue tank-top and a green hoodie. I realized how strange I must look to them.

I bowed low, my arms stiff at my sides. "I-I don't know how I got here...b-but I heard what you said. I in Middle Earth...?" I asked with a scared tone.

I couldn't help but to be nervous. " name. Crap, you don't know my name!" I face palmed and exhaled hard. "O-or did Galadriel already look in my head? I know you can do that, I heard you before!" I asked nervously.

Galadriel smiled warmly at me and walked to me, putting her hands on my shoulders carefully. "I only pushed out the dark, my are in Lothlorien. Gandalf brought you all the way here from the coast on the back of an eagle." She said, seeming to know that I would be happy.

"S-seriously!? I was on one of the giant eagles!? Holy mother! Oh my gosh! I'm really here, I don't-...where are the hobbits?! Is Thorin dead? Where's Legolas?" I kept asking questions.

They only smiled at how silly I was and did their best to answer.


It was awkward to have elves look at me as I walked with Haldir and a few guards to a seamstress. I would be staying in Lothlorien for a bit while Galadriel and Gandalf figured out what to do.

"Do not mind them, Leandra. You are royalty now as Galadriel has taken you in as her daughter of sorts. She has given you a royal status to help you in the future, so now you must look the part when in the company of your new kin. So no strange garments like those, you must appear like a Lady." Haldir explained and I wasn't at all intimidated.

"You do realize that I've never been in this world before...? You're literally the third person I've met." I explained with sheepishness.

"Do not be afraid, my Lady. There is nothing to fear in Lothlorien." He smiled over his shoulder at her.

"Please don't call me that, I'm a person! Last time I was awake, I was human and going to I'm an elf and I now have to comprehend immortality! You can do it because you're born with it, but damn, this is gonna give me a migraine..." She groaned as they reached the seamstress.

"It could be worse." He smiled.

"How so, string bean?" She asked.

He chuckled at the name. "You could be a dwarf." He shrugged and left with his men.

He had a point...I suppose.

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