Chapter Ten: Flowers

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***Leandra's POV***

I woke up in Rivendell. A massive headache cracked through my head. I remembered what happened.


"LEANDRA, NO!!!" Kili screamed as Gandalf was ushering everyone into the cave to Imladris.

I was taken off of Steel's back by an orc arrow. It pierced the back of my shoulder. I hit the ground hard, Kili couldn't get to me, Thorin tried. Steel protected me from the wargs.

I tried to get up, but another arrow pierced my right thigh and I told Steel to run away. I drew my sword and smiled to the Company.

"Oi! THORIN!! You owe me a drink after this load of horse shit!!!" I laughed, hiding my pain.

"NO!!!" Thorin bellowed as I collapsed...poisoned arrows.


That was the last thing I remember. My clothes were ruined by all the blood.

I tried to sit up, but I was still sore as anything. My shoulder and leg were bandaged up. I wore a night gown...unacceptable. I forced myself up and found new travelling clothes, Gandalf must've brought them.

A turquoise battle dress and leather leggings to wear underneath, along with new boots and a new silver tiara on a pillow next to the clothes. My sword was sharpened. My journal was untouched...thankfully.

I got dressed and grabbed my things. I was worried about Steel.


I walked into the hallway and saw Aragorn talking to Thorin. "You're a ranger, that is a noble do you know Princess Leandra?" Thorin questioned.

"She is a friend of mine, I meant to bring her some Athelas for her quest." Aragorn smiled.

"Then what are the flowers for?" Aragorn smirked.

"I thought-" I stepped in and Aragorn paused.

"Strider! It's been a while!" I beamed and jogged over to them.

"How have you healed so quickly?" Aragorn asked with wide eyes.

"I'm just magic like that. How's the Company?" I asked Thorin.

He nodded. "Kili may be scarred for life, but that's the extent of were shot twice with poison barbed arrows. The...the elves saved you because we could not. I am sorry." Thorin said, looking to the floor in shame.

"You actually managed to befriend Thorin Oakenshield? A man known for hating elves?" Aragorn chuckled.

"She acts more like a dwarf than an elf...I'll see to the company and tell them you're not dead. Your horse is alright as well, the wall of a beast found his way to the stables. I'll take my leave from you now...Strider." He nodded to Aragorn before leaving.


I walked with Aragorn for a bit. "So you brought me flowers?" I teased, looking down at the small bouquet of calla lilies and red tulips in my hand.

"You nearly died to protect those men, you deserve far more than flowers, my Lady." He chuckled.

"Well, next time I nearly die I'll be sure to pester Thorin for a new pair of boots or something." I shrugged.

I heard cheerful laughing a knew we had found the dwarves. Aragorn took my hand. "Listen,'ve already bled for this quest, you don't have to could stay here in Rivendell?" He said and I blushed.

"You want me to stay in Rivendell with you...? Aragorn...I-" I was cut off by Kili's shouting.

"Leandra!!! You're alright!" He shouted and ran into me, hugging me around the waist. I let go of Aragorn's hand reluctantly.

I chuckled and pet down his brown hair with my right hand, my left hand on his back. "Of course I am, but not if you keep crushing me!" I laughed.

He let me go in an instant as if he had hurt me. "Sorry, but I-...I-I mean we were worried...who's your friend?" Kili asked, changing the subject.

"This is Strider, we were just taking a walk. Um...I'll see you soon. It's been nice seeing you." I smiled warmly and kissed Aragorn's cheek. "Thanks again for the flowers." I said sheepishly and followed Kili to where the company was camping out.

"Are you courting that human? Is he a servant?" Fili asked as I sat down, he wore a smirk.

"No...he's actually a Prince of the East country, but he's chosen exile. He asked me to stay in Rivendell with him." I said, staring at my flowers.

"And are you leaving the Company?" Kili asked nervously.

I laughed. "And miss the chance to slay a dragon, maybe start a few wars, kill some orcs...? I wouldn't give that up for a thousand Princes. Or kings. Or whom ever decides to come along." I said and took my journal out of my bag, writing down the events of the day...

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