Chapter Five: Party Business

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***Leandra's POV***

I didn't tell Gandalf about my visions, but I asked if I could be allowed to shadow the company, to stay out of the way when I need to or scout ahead.

He agreed, knowing that Thorin would exactly be happy with a she-elf walking around.

We reached the Shire and Gandalf went on his own to meet Bilbo. I was told to wait. Then he had to go on an errand, so I was stuck in the middle of the Shire with nothing to the Market!

I walked to the open market with a huge grin on my face, though I still wore my red travelling clothes and crown, I was still friendly.

I saw a stand that was selling heart skipped a beat at the thought of getting one. I walked up and took out my bag of gold pieces. "Excuse me, Miss. Can I get...sixteen cupcakes, three cakes, a blueberry pie, a bottle of wine and...a bag of your finest pipe tobacco?" I asked the stunned little woman.

I kept my smile and she put together what I wanted, putting it all in a couple of baskets, wrapping the bottle of wine in paper. "'Re you some kind 'a warrior...? I've never even met an elf before?" She asked.

"Actually, I'm a Princess of Lothlorien, student of Gandalf Greyhame, but I can hold my own in a fight. It's a pleasure to meet my first hobbit." I smiled and shook her little hand.

I left her stunned and grinning.


I walked through the Market a bit longer before I noticed the sun going down. I heard two voices. "Brother! Leave the chicken alone!" I heard Kili shout.

"No! I'm hungry now!" Fili retorted.

I looked over to see the dwarf princes harassing a poor hen. I sighed and walked over to them. Kili saw me walking and kicked his brother to get up and quickly try to fix his long brown hair.

I giggled as Fili climbed out of the bush and tackled his brother. "Boys!" I shouted.

They stopped fighting and looked at me. "You're on your way to Bag-End, so am I. I'm Gandalf's Apprentice. Would you mind if I walked with you?" I asked cautiously and they scrambled to their feet.

"No way-" I cut Fili off.

"I have food and booze." I said in monotone.

"Okay, let's go!" Fili laughed.


I was almost to Bag-End, food in hand still, the boys walked on either side of me. "So what's your name?" Kili asked with an inquisitive look.

"Leandra Black of Lothlorien. You boys are 87 and 86, Princes Fili and Kili, Fili being the eldest. The sons of Lady Dis, nephews to the rightful king of Erebor, Thorin Oakenshield." I said in monotone, smiling a bit at the thought of seeing the mountain.

"How do you know all that?" Fili asked.

"I'm a scholar training with a wizard, I know stuff. your uncle will most likely hate my guts...and how I am so making dragon armor or something when this is done. I want a piece of that dragon." I smirked in excitement and Kili laughed.

"Are you going to slay it yourself?!" He laughed.

"Yes. Are you going to grow a beard?" I narrowed my eyes down at him and saw him blush.

"She's got you pegged, brother!" Fili laughed.

"What are you laughing about, fluffy?" I teased and he stopped laughing. Kili snickered.

"Men don't need facial hair to attract a last, in fact most women would think stubble is the best, so don't worry, you're handsome. And you, I meant your coat. You look like a lion, many women would say it's majestic." I reassured them and they smiled.

" old are you?" Kili asked. "You're an elf after all." He was so curious.

"You never ask a lady her age, Kili...but if you must know, I'm 16." I smiled as Kili opened the little wooden gate for me.

"Really? Is that like elf years?" Fili asked.

"You could say that." I giggled.

I knocked on the green door, it opened for me to see Bilbo. He looked more surprised than angry, to see an elf at his door.

"I came with host gifts! Please, don't close the door! I have cupcakes, pie...I even brought the most expensive wine the Market had. I know that I was not invited and that you're very flustered, but my mentor said to be here on time. I am so sorry!" I pleaded and held out the basket with the wine.

He looked at me like I was a godsend. "You, Miss...are most welcome in Bag-End. These bloody dwarves are-" He stopped when he saw Fili and Kili behind me, more dwarves coming up the path.

"I think I'll be sick." I said nervously as my stomach tied in hard knots...this was really happening...

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