Chapter 4

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We reached an old cottage, leaves drifting in the air to the dusty windows. I peaked through the smeared glass, and saw well-maintained furniture, along with a fireplace. It gave me a sudden realization that I had been shivering. Mika took off his cloak and wrapped it around me, before unlocking the lock that secured the wooden door from entry. He opened it, causing it to make a quiet creak.

"Let's go, Yuu. You'll get sick," he ushered. I followed behind, examining his blonde, wavy hair swaying with the breeze. The sudden warmth hit me, causing me to let out a long, exasperated sigh. Mika snapped his head back at me, a dash of red tinting his cheeks. "W-What's wrong?"

"Huh? Oh, it's just really... warm..." I dropped down to the cozy couch. It was a dark shade of green, and sunk in slightly with my weight. I looked back at Mika, trying hard to keep my eyes open, but to my dismay, I didn't succeed.

I woke up to a bright yellow light blinding me. I wasn't really used to sunny days. I covered the beam of light with my arms and slowly got up from the couch. I felt a sharp pain go down my lower back and realized I was in an uncomfortable position.  This'll be a while.

"Mika?" I called out, hoping for an answer. Nothing.

Heading to the kitchen, the stove was on and a pot lied neatly on-top, steaming and emitting a satisfying scent.

I looked around and saw an apron lying next to the sink.  Next to it, there was a note.

It read, "I went out to the nearest supply store. Wait for me. - M"

I pouted, crumbling the note in my fist and throwing It in the trashcan.

Sighing, I walked over to the stove and turned it down, making sure it wouldn't overlook.

He's already left me alone...

I decided to just lie back on the couch and fall asleep. I didn't need him, anyway....

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