Two weeks later (close to christmas)

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You sat doing homework which is hard enough to focus on without Amaimon trying to get you attention. He had been around almost everyday since first running into him, you've learned to literally have a stash of candy at your dorm for him and keep some with you just to be safe. He walked over to you and snatched the paper.
"I don't like being ignored," he stated as he ripped the paper to shreds. If you would not have been as sick of trying to do the homework as you were you probably would've been furious but now at least you had an excuse to not do it. "I'm bored Y/n" he poked your arm.
"Oh really I wouldn't have guessed," you said sarcastically. 'Now that I think about it this would be the perfect time to finishing buying everyone's presents and put up the tree I just have to get Amaimon to agree hmmm'. "Amaimon if you let me finish up gift buying I'll do whatever you want to how's that sound?"
"Hmmm...." Amaimon tapped his foot thinking, "fine."
~Time skips~
At the mall Amaimon had spotted a candy store and well you just couldn't say no, so you followed him in and looked around. He walked over with his arms full of candy.
"You want all of that!" You raised an eyebrow. He just nodded. "Alright I guess," you sighed going to the check out. The cashier smiled ringing you up the total came to around eighty dollars (roughly 9500 yen).
'Now what am I supposed to buy Rin and Yukio?!' You sighed thinking. After about an hour searching you found pretty cheap gifts for them nothing cheesy though.
~Back at the dorm~
"Time to put up the tree then I'll play with you I promise" you laughed.
"What tree?" Amaimon tilted his head slightly.
"Oh the Christmas tree"
"What's Christmas"
"Well it's a holiday people celebrate by buying each other gifts."
"Interesting," he mumbled not paying attention.
Sighing you got the tree from your closet along with the boxes of decorations. Amaimon was watching with his usual bored expression.
"Come on help decorate it's fun," you walked over to him. He watched as you tried to drag him over which didn't exactly work as he was a bit taller than you and well a demon king. You shrugged giving up and started putting ornaments on.
The Earth King eventually gave in to his curiosity and was going through the boxes of decorations looking at each one then either threw them or dropped them.
"They go on the tree you know." You couldn't help but giggle a bit as you picked some up from the floor and put them on the tree. Opening a box of candy canes you placed them on the tree. Amaimon growled behind you which made you turn around. The Earth King somehow managed to get himself wrapped up in tinsel and garland, you burst out laughing as he tried to get untangled but ultimately made it worse. He looked at you narrowing his eyes.
"I don't like being laughed at," he growled. You were still laughing as you went over and started to help free him from the shiny prison.
"I know you don't, but this is pretty funny", you smiled pulling the last of the tinsel off of him. "Now why don't you help me finish the tree?"
"Okay," he shrugged as he watched you throw the tinsel around the tree. He grabbed a few ornaments and hung them. When the tree was done you grinned and gave Amaimon the rest of the candy canes.

A sweet Christmas AmaimonxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now