This new feeling

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~if anyone would be interested in me making an actual story with Amaimon like a detailed xreader or one shots let me know or any other blue exorcist characters :)~
Y/n" Amaimon looked over at the girl. He had eaten all of the cookies and wanted more. Seeing you were asleep he sighed.
''I could just find the cookies maybe there's candy to'
But rather than getting up he watched you a warm feeling creeping into him like it recently started to do when he was with you. Normally he shrugged it off or occupied his mind with other things but seeing you curled up so peacefully he couldn't shake it.
'I need to ask brother what this is tomorrow maybe I need more sweets'
You let a small snore and nearly rolled off the couch, he poked your arm which led to you sleepily swatting the air and shifting away. He had to admit you perked his interests you always had sweets for him and never let him be bored for long. Amaimon pulled you against him resting his head on yours. Feeling content for the moment at least he would let the you sleep.
~Time skip to morning~
He felt her shifting around she must finally be awake he thought opening his eyes.
She looked confused and reached for her phone. Amaimon watched closely to see your reaction at not finding your phone Rin had tried calling early to get you up.
'Rin isn't aloud near what's mine!'
And with that no more phone it lay split in half on the floor.
"Crap I'm late!" You muttered and tried to get up. Amaimon pulled you back against him which is when he realized this was the first of you noticing him there.
"Hi y/n"
"Why are you here? Where's my phone? Never mind I gotta go in late I'll ask later!" He held you in place.
"I broke your phone"
"You what?!"
"Rin was calling you"
"He's my friend of course he calls me he wakes me up in the morning now!"
"I don't want him near what's mine"
"W-wait wait what?" You stuttered. He felt warm again noticing a blush forming on your cheeks which confused him.
"I don't want you to go to school" the earth king petted you hair just something he liked doing. One thing he knew for sure is you were staying and playing with him today even if he had to go fight Rin or whine to Mephisto. He tilted his head hearing you let out a sigh.
"Okay I'll stay home missing one day will be fine."
A spark of what was it humans called it? Happiness yes happiness sparked in him. Pulling out a lollipop he let you up dragging you put the door he grinned, "let's go play."

~hey everyone me again sorry if this chapters kinda short or crappy I wanted to update and its been a busy week  I promise the next one will be better! And thanks to everyone reading~

A sweet Christmas AmaimonxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now