Christmas eve

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Amaimon was complaining about surprise, he was bored. Somehow against all odd you got him to agree to watch your favorite Christmas movie 'The Nightmare before Christmas' . Probably the only reason was you bought him snacks and a ton of candy, but he did owe it to you since the day before he kicked Shima and started a fight with Rin just for trying to talk with you about studying. It was late in the night you had spent the day playing with the Earth king outside you looked forward to the movie all day but you found you were kinda tired.
After starting the movie you plopped on the couch by Amaimon he after a few minutes pulled you closer to him not like you minded. After the movie ended you placed the presents you had bought him under the tree along with the gifts you had bought your friends including Mephisto.
"What are those?" Amaimon tilted his head watching you.
"You'll have to find out tomorrow it's a surprise"
"I want to know now"
"Toooo bad!" You snickered. He narrowed his eyes partially glaring at you. "Trust me it's worth the wait okay please?"
"Fine but if I have to wait I'm staying here tonight."
'He wants to stay here? With me? For a whole night? He has before once but that wasn't on purpose but i really want him to be surprised tomorrow so I guess I'll go for it"
"Okay fine fair enough," you smiled. "Well I hate to be a party pooper but I'm pretty exhausted I'm gonna head to bed okay?" You went to the little section of room where you bed was and crawled under the thick blankets.
You were just starting to fall asleep when you felt someone plop beside you.
"Amaimon what are you doing?" You groaned sleepily hoping he wasn't going to drag you somewhere.
"Nothing" he replied in the usual emotionless way.
"You can like watch tv I don't really care what you do play on my Ds or something eat what you want just let me sleep," you mumbled rolling over.
Once he was sure you were asleep he crawled under the covers wrapping his arms around you. He nuzzled your neck affectionately holding you tightly.
You who had woken up barely long enough to notice what he was doing you smiled to yourself.
"I love him so much," You thought drifting into sleep once more.
It was finally Christmas!!!! You were so excited especially since you were spending it with Amaimon. You yawned realizing the demon king was still holding you, a crimson color found its way to you cheeks.
"Amaimon can I get up?"
"If you bring me candy"
"Okay," you laughed getting up you threw a handful of candy to him and went to shower. Thankfully Amaimon kept his word and didn't touch any presents. Honestly this was the first time in forever it actually felt like Christmas to you, you couldn't wait to give out presents.
After you finished up your routine you got Amaimon's presents from under the tree and pushed them towards him.
"Alright go on open them"
He quickly ripped the wrapping off to reveal the variety of sweets, games, the new Ds you bought him, and of course lollipops. Even though he didn't really show it you could tell he liked everything. He started to play on his Ds and figure it all out which didn't take him long you just wondered how long would that entertain him.
"Play with me," he threw you me Ds to you. He wanted to battle you in a fighting game. Somehow against all odds you beat him the first round so of course he wanted a rematch after a few more games there was a knock at the door.
"Coming!" You ran over Amaimon watched you closely. Opening the door you were pleased to see Mephisto you had invited him over for Christmas a couple weeks ago.
"Good morning y/n a pleasure to see you" he grinned. "I see my brother is here as well splendid!"
"I stayed her all night" Amaimon mumbled while going through candy.
"How unlike you brother." Mephisto snickered.
"Anyway Mephisto open your presents!" You carried a small pile of things over to him. You always did love going overboard when it came to buying gifts. A look of surprise crosses his face when he saw everything he ripped them open almost as quickly as Amaimon had. You had bought him an array of anime collectibles and some plushies.
"I think I may be in love!" Mephisto laughed. He was so excited with his gifts you smiled.
"Y/n I'm impressed you must tell me where you found these!" He grinned.
"Nope can't I'll be giving away my secrets" you laughed.
"I want to get back to our game!" Amaimon growled.
"Okay mephi why don't you join us?"
"If you don't mind," a Ds poofed into his hands.
The three of you played Muriel's games for a couple hours until Mephisto had to go do something or other for the Vatican. Once you saw him off you found Amaimon holding your favorite jacket in his hands.
"What are you doing?" You frowned
"Catch me if you can!" He ran out the door suddenly.
Stunned it took you a moment to realize what happened then you chased after him at full speed "hey!".
He waited to make sure you were still playing along every few minutes when you got behind.
The real problem was he was so much faster than you that you just couldn't keep up with him. You came to a stop leaning against a tree to catch your breath you lost him in the trees and really were ready to give up anyway you didn't need the hoodie that bad. Despite the snow and cold let alone the fact you were only in a t-shirt and jeans you kept walking in the direction you thought he went.
A thud sounded behind you Amaimons boots hitting the ground. Honestly you semi expected him to be mad you just kinda quit running but he was busy munching away a bag of chips from who knows where. He took something from his pocket and placed it in your hand.
Confused you looked to see what it was and for a minute you forgot about chasing him and your hoodie in your hand was a heart shaped lollipop. Seriously you were kinda shocked you couldn't lie since when did he ever share candy before unless you bought giant excess.
"Thank you!" You grinned. You felt his arms wrap around you from behind he rested his head on yours.
'Okay somethings up he's being weird'
"What's all this for anyway?" You raised an eyebrow.
"It's for Christmas" he said as he ran a hand through your hair. A blush rose on your face making you even redder in the cold. But still why was he doing this for Christmas? You couldn't help but wonder.
"Y/n what does I love you mean?"
"Why?" You frowned that's a weird thing to ask out of nowhere.
"You told me that last night" he shrugged.
Embarrassment flooded through you there was no way you said that out loud was there? You were tired and he was there holding you it was so nice..... Crap you were so ready to disappear. But you really did live him you thought about him all the time anymore...
"I don't like being ignored" he poked your face.
"Uh well...." How could you explain it to him.... "It's when you like someone more than your favorite candy" you nodded thinking that was about right.
"Hmm" the Earth King frowned "I guess I love you then".
With that you practically knocked him over from the hug you gave him "I love you to more than anything" you smiled.
This did turn out to be the best Christmas ever.

~hope you guys like it!

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