Chapter 1

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The orange sunset bathed Dan as he sat in back row of the school bleachers. Football.

He hated sports, especially when it involved him. Why did school make them watch it anyway? He could feel the wild atmosphere bouncing off the students around him. The suspenseful vibes and then, almost like a clap of thunder, the crowd would erupt for a minute to celebrate a goal.

Dan tried wearing headphones and listening to music, but a tiny gadget couldn't compete with everything around him. Everyone and their friends engaging, their spirits soaring, his a single one hovering above the ground just trying to listen to the words that made him feel less alone.

"Screw this." Dan muttered to himself, than proceeded to awkwardly make his way off the bleachers and into a space away from everyone else. At last he was away from the sounds and the claustrophobic squash of excited, sweaty teenagers.


"You can do it!" Phil screamed as his friends battled it out with the other school. He was dressed in the blue and red colours of his school, supporting his friends. He was by himself, as always. All of his friends made the football team, but he never quite had the makings of an athlete. Well, except when it was in a screen.

Phil was always different from his friends. While they chased girls and parties and sports, he spent his time doing it on a screen. Phil often wondered how on earth he became friends with people so different to him, let alone being in the group of the popular kids in school. It wasn't quite right, weird in fact.

The cries from the crowd awoke him from his thoughts and he joined in the cheers of the crowd as Jack booted a goal. He was so proud of his friends, even though he didn't understand sports.

Phil continued cheering, but the cacophonous crowd started closing in on him, all thirsty for a from row seat. He left, going to get a bit of fresh air, and maybe listen to music.

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