Chapter 2

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Dan found a space on the grass near the school fence, an old wire fence with several holes and tears that no one ever noticed, almost like himself. Everyone thinks that being alone means that you're lonely, but this wasn't the case for Dan. People weren't trustworthy, they always told lies, told other people your secrets. So Dan stopped caring. The only things Dan Howell cared about were video games and music.

Music. The only thing that Dan Howell was passionate about was music. When he was away from everyone else, he could observe how they interacted, and go home and write about it. It had always been there for him, and he didn't miss anyone because the music was his best friend, it kept him company.


After Phil took a breath of fresh air, he started looking for a spot to rest. "Oi! Lester! Where do ya think ya goin'? Get back to the game!" Phil heard a yell from the sub.

"Toilet break,"he lied.

Phil quickly turned his headphones on and started walking away with his head down.

He kept on walking across the grass, concentrating on trying not to trip over clumps in the lawn, while Muse blasted through the headphones, one setting below potential hearing issues. Phil briefly averted his eyes from the clumps of grass to investigate his surroundings when he saw a person just a few metres ahead, sitting there, wearing headphones.

Phil wasn't sure if he'd seen this person before, let alone know who they were. The figure before him wore black skinny jeans, black converse, and a black T-shirt and hoodie. He had chocolate brown hair, with a fringe to the right, and deep brown irises. Beautiful brown eyes.

Dan stared at the boy in front of him as he sat down. He too was wearing headphones, and had the same hair cut, in a deep shade of black. He was dressed in the school colours, but not the football uniform. But what was most striking were his eyes. The boy stood before him had striking blue eyes, with little flecks of green and yellow. Dan was in a daze, fixated on his eyes, before realising he was staring and looking away at the patch of grass beside him.

Phil and Dan avoided looking at each other, the silence uncomfortably awkward. After several moments, Phil took his headphones off. Dan stared for a second, and then proceeded to take his off too.

Silence. Then, Phil awkwardly said "Hi... Ah, my name's Phil."

"Hi. I'm Dan." Dan replied, with minimal emotion. Phil noticed this, and began trying to think of something to say next.

"So, uh, what are you listening to?" Phil asked.

"Fall Out Boy," Dan replied. "You?"

"I love them! I'm listening to Muse." Said Phil.

"I love them too!" Dan replied, this time with a small gust of wind in his sails. Both he and Phil started sharing interests, and for once, neither felt as alone as they were with the crowd of people. They heard the blast of the full time siren, and the disappointment from the school. "Well, I'd better get back Dan, it was nice talking to you. Do you want to hang out with me and my mates?" Phil asked.

Dan considered this prospect. "I'd love to hang out with you, but I'm probably not going to fit in with the rest of the group. I'm sorry. But I want to talk more."

Phil tried to hide his disappointment. "What about we come to school early, we can talk in the mornings. How does that sound?"

Dan thought this over. As much as he hated the mornings, and almost everyone, this was the first time that he felt like maybe he met someone nice, maybe he had met someone like him. "Sure, I'd love to. Half an hour before roll call sound good?"

Phil smiled. "Perfect."

Author's Note:
Thank you so much to everyone who has read this so far! Updates on the story aren't going to be this close together normally as I'm on school holidays so I've got lots of time at the moment. I'm thinking about writing it from points of view, so let me know if that sounds like a good idea! Thank you so much for the vote and the lovely comment. I really appreciate it! It's really nice to find people online who don't judge you or any of that, and leave nice things, not weird looks. (You can't look at me weirdly so one point to me XD) Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will keep on writing this!

I just realised how long the A/N was but oh well.

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