Chapter 3

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Dan's POV

My gaze lingered on black haired boy as he walked back to the crowd. I realised I was staring and returned to listening to music, before setting off for home at last.


Beep beep beep beep

I groaned tiredly and squinted at the sun creeped through the slits in my blinds. Then I remembered.

I got out of bed and washed my face. Steam filled the bathroom as I showered and smoothed out the curls in my hair. I wiped the condensation dripping off the mirror on a towel, looking at myself every so often to make sure I was doing a good job. I wasn't sure where the eagerness came from, but I continued on. I then sprayed on some Lynx, adding just a little more than usual.

I found a Muse t-shirt in the chaotic mess of my bedroom floor, which honestly resembled a landfill deposit. I chose to wear it, along with my usual black jeans and converse.

I took a muesli bar from the pantry, swung on my backpack and shut the front door behind me.

"Dan!" I heard a faint yell from behind me, soon accompanied by the haphazard sound of feet beating into the pavement. I turned around.

"Phil!" I responded. I ran in his direction.

"Dan... I didn't know you... lived near me!" Phil panted catching up to me.

"Nor did I." I say back, a slight smile forming on my face amidst the laboured breathing.

We don't talk as we catch our breath, and as if my smile were contagious, I saw the slightest upturn in the corners of his mouth. I shouldn't have thought about that. I shouldn't have been looking at that. Yet I did.

"We should hang out at each other's houses, I'm only five doors down." Phil says.

"I'd like that." I reply.

We talk and laugh all the way to school, and sit at the same place as yesterday.

"You're wearing a Muse t-shirt" Phil observes and looks me up and down. I feel his eyes gaze over my exterior, and I don't say anything for a few moments. I couldn't, even if I tried.

"Yeah" I say, and I look back at him. He has the palest skin, with contrasting black hair. It's not something people would normally pick out as a good looking type, but no one could've said that looking at him. Blue eyes. He had the most amazing eyes...

Silence. But it's a comfortable one. We talk through smiles and other facial expressions.

"All of the moves make up for the silence."

The lyric keeps bouncing around in my head.

"Dan, are you sure you don't want to hang out with me and my friends today? I promise you'll have fun." Phil awakes me from my daze. I was transfixed on the two blue crystals in front of me.

"I'm not really like them. Besides, they probably won't like me. I don't want to cause trouble or have you lose any friends because of me."

Phil looked at me pleadingly, but the look in his eyes changed.

"That's okay if you don't want to, I totally get it if you want to hang out with your friends." He concludes.

Ding ding ding

Roll call.

"It was nice hanging out, Dan." he says, giving me a sweet smile, talking in a sweet voice.

"Thanks. I had lots of fun, Phil." I respond. We go our separate ways in the school grounds, my eyes locked onto him for an extra second after he turned around.

Author's Note:
Hey! So this is another update on this story! Let me know what you think and if you like it from the POV's. I know it's really messy right now but this is my first fic. I promise you I'll get better, I know what I need to fix.
Thank you :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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