Chapter 2

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Everyone stared at Calithiel in shock. Her faced formed into a scowl. She knew her cover was blown. So, she thought she might as well not hide it. Her dress changed into a beautiful white color and flowed behind her(picture above). Her crown appeared on her head.

"I feel betrayed, really. I thought secrets were supposed to be secrets, old friend," she said sarcastically, putting emphasis on the last part. Calithiel wanted little people to know.

"Well, your brother made sure we all knew his title," he replied.

She immediately knew it was her younger brother, Nestor. She sighed. He was the healer of the Valar and announced it to anybody. Elijiah, the middle of the three, was mature and knew right from wrong. She couldn't say the same with Nestor.

"So, he's here then. I need to speak with him."

"He is out hunting with a group of elloths. He shall be back shortly. Come eat, I'm sure you had a long journey."

An hour passed and Calithiel could hear a group of elves walking towards the thrown room. She knew Nestor was one of those people. The group of elves stopped in front of them. Nestor was in the front and had a look of surprise on his face.

"Sister," he breathed out. He ran to her, capturing her in an embrace. They had not seen each other for over 500 years.

"Brother, where have you been?" she pulled away. She noticed he had a scar stretching from his left eye to his jaw.

"Everywhere, though mostly here," he couldn't believe he is finally seeing his sister. "Have you found Elijiah?"

"No, I thought he would be with you," she sighed. Now she has to find her other brother.

"Oh, well meet my friends. They helped me around here." She looked all of them over, but one caught her eye. He had black, shoulder length hair, and dark brown eyes. She felt an emotion she's never felt before. Then, she knew, she found her soulmate.
Every member gets a soulmate. Nestor and Calithiel hadn't found theirs, but Elijiah did. That's the reason he wanted to travel alone. Nestor wanted his, though he could never find her. Calithiel knew she would meet hers when the time was right. Her shapeshifter side couldn't believe she found him.

Othon was his name. Once he set his eyes on Calithiel, he didn't know what to think. She was beautiful with her snowy hair and bright blue eyes. The braid around her head made her look like a queen. In his eyes, she was perfect.

Before the EndOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora