Chapter 4

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Calithiel moved into Mirkwood, being more careful than last time. She heard orcs a little ways away. She wasn't in the mood killing some orcs. The meeting with the King Under the Mountain made her tired. Yelling and screaming were never her thing, she liked to keep calm in situations. Elves rarely yelled and she was grateful for that. They were like this because that's how she wanted them to turn out as. Other than the hobbits, elves were peace makers. Well, mostly when dwarves weren't involved.

Walking through Mirkwood made Calithiel sad because she loved the aura of Greenwood. The spiders made the whole forest darker, a sign Sauron was rising once again, though slowly. Calithiel couldn't really do anything about his rising. She knew it wasn't her destiny to.

She turned the corner and in front of her was a small group of orcs, at least five. She quickly put her back against a tree right when an orc turned its head. She quickly grabbed her bow and loaded an arrow. Stepping back to the path, she aimed the arrow at the orcs head and shot, hitting its target. The rest of the orcs turned seeing the one fall to the ground, dead.

Calithiel loaded another arrow and did the same thing with the previous orc. She got at least two of them down, leaving three still alive. She let another arrow fly, leaving two. She switched the bow for her twin swords. She gave them a good twirl, scaring the orcs a bit. They knew the Lady of the Sun and Moon could expertly use the swords.

The orcs advanced, but got their heads cut off in an instant. She killed all the orcs under two minutes. 'Too easy' she thought.

She made it to the gate and walked in. The guards seemed to be surprised seeing orc blood on her. They immediately got out of the way when they saw she had to walk past them to get to the throne room. She was still angry and that wasn't helping the guards when she still had a scowl on her face. It terrified them, her eyes showed that if anyone would mess with her, they would be missing their head. She was mumbling under her breath, something about dwarves and gold.

Nestor looked up when he saw his sister walk onto the room where they were having dinner. He stood up to talk to her, but she sent him a dirty look. He held his hands up in a surrender and sat back in his seat.

Othon looked happy to see she was finally back, but he wouldn't admit it to himself. He had to keep his distance from her.

"Well, did you get them," Thrandruil said. Calithiel shook her head and sat down in the seat on his right, Legolas in front of her. "Why not?"

That only made her more mad. "Because dwarves are greedy bastards. Thorin Oakenshield still doesn't trust elves, no matter if you save him and his heirs' lives."

This confused everyone at the table. Calithiel realized her mistake, she was supposed to keep it a secret because it was risky, at least that was what Elrond said.

"You didn't. You know not to use that!" Nestor yelled. He thought she used her power to bring them back to life.

"No, you idiot. I healed them enough so they wouldn't die. They weren't dead before that." She knew what would happen if she did bring them back to life. "I'm not stupid."

Everyone at the table looked at the two siblings. Calithiel had a bad headache, getting mad more than once a day took a lot out of here. The orcs from before didn't help get rid of the stress. Transporting took a lot out of her too. A long rest would definitely help. She stood up and started to walk to her old room from hundreds of years ago.

Nestor felt bad for accusing his sister. He knew that she had a great deal of stress on her shoulders. Looking for Elijiah and him took a lot out of her long life. It took her around 500 years to find him, but he didn't know if Elijiah would show up. He had a mate know and a couple kids. The last time Elijiah talked to them, it ended in an argument where they disagreed with Calithiel. Thus, leaving her alone.

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