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Leo's POV:

His face is thin and his body is pretty tall and well built. He has a buzz cut, but also a growing beard. "Everyone calls me The Ringmaster." the man says, "WBC3x stands for white blood cell times three."

"And what is that?" I ask.

"It increases the production of your white blood cells so they work faster. It works so well, it won't even leave scars."

"In what universe does this drug exist?"

"In the universe you're living!" The Ringmaster says with a little laugh in his voice, "Don't worry. You're safe now. It's totally normal for you to question what's going on around you. It's just part of the recovery process. You'll be released to go home tomorrow."

He said is all so calmly. LIke he knew what he was doing. That's what made this all so suspicious. He doesn't seem like he's going to hurt us, but you can never be too sure. I wasn't born yesterday.

"Where are we?" I ask in a more subtle voice.

"You are in a private area in a hospital 5 miles away where you crashed. Only employees know about this area. Your bodies were so disfigured and on the bridge of dying that we had to test this on you all-"

"Wait. Test?" Lanie asks.

"Yes. Test." The Ringmaster says with regret, "It was the only way to save you guys. WBC3x is a new drug that hasn't been released out into the public yet. When we tested it on some mice that has minor injuries, they died instantly. Scientists constantly adjusted it so it could work. But there was something missing. I can't tell you what it is we found, but it completed the formula so it would work correctly. The mice lived and their cuts were healed. Now all we had to do was test it on humans. But no one really volunteered. I was ready to volunteer myself, but then you guys came in. All of you guys were too far gone to be saved with the meds we had. But with the help of WBC3x, it saved your lives."

All August, Ross, Tina, and Lanie do is stare. I try to process what he just said. I can believe that, but at the same time, I can't. Nothing is ever this easy. We can't just be fine and act like nothing ever happened. 

"Whats the catch?" I ask.


"What's the catch? There's gotta be some side effects. It can't be this easy."

"Well, according to the observations of the mice, nothing. So Leo, this will be "easy"."

"You work here?" Tina asks.

"I'm an assistant to one of the doctors who worked with your unfortunate state. I suggested WBC3x. And I'm dressed like this because when kids come to the hospital, I entertain them. This is only one of my many other costumes I have. It a way to earn extra money."

"But why a ringmaster for us? We're all either 16 or 17. We aren't kids."

"Well, why not? The circus is always fun! So much fun! Plus I have to do this for everyone under 18."

"How long have we been out?" Ross asks.

"About 2 days. You came in Tuesday in the afternoon and it's now Thursday."

"Good thing it's summer. I think I'd die if I missed homework," Tina brings up.

"Tina's back to normal." August says, "Good old Asian Tina."

Everyone laughs at August as Tina jokingly hits him. It's the first time everything seems to be back to normal. The Ringmaster tells us to go back to our rooms and sleep. He also says that our families were contacted and told the whole thing and will pick us up in the hospital lobby tomorrow. But I still have two more questions to ask.

"Where are my clothes?"

"You didn't notice? They're on the table next to you. And they're clean." 


I wait for everyone else to go into their rooms before I ask my last question.

"How were you in my head?"


"I heard your voice in my head telling me what to do."

The Ringmaster gives me a weird look. "Umm, I was talking while I was around your body. Maybe thats what it was?"

"Oh, ok." I say as I walk back to my room.

The Ringmaster's POV:

Leo is pretty smart. I like him. It will almost be a shame to watch his life slip away from his fingers.



Over 50 reads and only 2 chapters?! (well, 3 chapters now) Thanks guys! Finally, a POV that's not Leo's. There will be more POVs of the other characters in the upcoming chapters! But bye for now! :D

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