Just a little songbird

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Hello people who are reading this right now. Just a quick shout out to official_shiro. Check her out for awesome Gorillaz fanfics and horror stories. You may now resume reading.

Tina's POV:

I had a strange dream. The setting was black until a stage light shone on me. It revealed that I was in an enormous bird cage, sitting on the swing that hung from the top. I tried to find a way to get off the swing without the possibility of breaking my legs, but then I gave up and jumped. I didn't fall to the cage floor, someone grabbed me from behind and put one of his hands over his mouth. He was going to whisper something into my ear.

However I woke up to a girl's voice. I opened my eyes and saw a girl who's entire body was well painted a light aqua color. Her hair was natural redhead and very curly. She wore a light pink tutu that didn't cover much and held a ribbon wand.

"Hello. How are you?" She said.

Considering what I've been through, I backed away immediately until I was against the wall. I guess I've been sleeping on the floor.

"It's ok! I'm not going to hurt you." she put her hands in the air to show she meant no harm. "My name is Moody. I'm a performer."

"YOU KNOW WHAT'S-" I began to scream, but she quickly covered my mouth and shushed me. "You have to be quiet!" she whispered, "You could wake someone up, and believe me, you do not want to do that." I pushed her hand of my mouth. She put her hand out to pick me up off the floor and I took it with reluctance. When she let go, the paint on her skin didn't leave a mark on mine. I looked at her and noticed that the paint looked as if she was born that way. It covered her entire body and there were no streak marks of any kind.

"What type of paint is that?" I asked politely, hoping that I could win her over to get some answers. "Oh," she said and looked down at the floor, "This isn't paint." I stood and watched as her entire body went from light aqua to light violet. "I take it that that probably was a compliment."

"HOW DID YO-" she put her hand over my mouth and shushed me again. "You have to be quiet!" she whispered nervously while her body turned gray, "Or you might wake-

There was a pounding at the door. Moody ran to block it, but was too late. Someone swung the door open and hit her in the face. There stood a guy about my age. His hair was silver and a bit messy with pale skin that had some of a reptilian texture. His eyes were a hypnotic shade of gold. I almost wanted to say he was handsome until he opened his mouth.

"Tell the new meat to shut up otherwise I'll make her." He said.

"Seth, calm do-" Moody was cut off as Seth grabbed her in a way that she couldn't move her arms and exposed her neck. "You remember the most recent meat that came and went. Right?" he said in a low voice. "I'm not afraid of you." she said, although her body turned pure white. The guy laughed.

I grabbed Moody's ribbon wand and hit him in the face with it. He released her, but then grabbed my throat and pinned me against the wall. "You're very brave," he said, "You're different, and I kindof like that. But there are rules here at the circus. And disobeying those rules means punishment." He pinned my hands to the wall so I couldn't move and hissed at me. That's when I realized he had fangs. Snake like fangs.

He let me go and backed up. "Did you get her act yet?" he asked Moody. Wait. What?

"Act?" I asked.

"Seth. Go back to your room." Moody said, looking down at the floor.

Seth obeyed with a smirk on his face and walked away.

"Act?" I asked again, "What's that?"

Moody sighed. "It's for the circus. Everyone here has something that makes them special. For me, it's my mood changing skin. For Seth, his snake fangs. And there are others, but you haven't met them yet."

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