Chapter 8|Inside

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Chapter 8


"Any word from Jordan yet? Will he be coming for Thanksgiving?" Alyssa asks me.

"No but Mark is coming for sure. I have not heard back from Jordan yet. I am hoping he will come. I have a lot to tell him" I sigh. I glance down at my large tummy. I was a few months' preggers since I had been out to Vegas. I knew now Jordan had made love with me that night. I wished I could recall it all. At night I would have dreams about him. Somethings would come flashing back. Then right when I would remember it all I would wake.

"Mark! I love Mark!" she giggles. She rubs my belly.

"Hey little Knight. We can't wait. You will be joining us next year's thanksgiving. I am going to be an auntie!" she rambles on to my belly.

"Alyssa...come on let me go" I groan.

"You know the baby hears us. I want the baby to know its Auntie" she warns me.

"I am sure the baby will" I sigh.

"So when is that no good husband of yours flying in here?" my Dad demands to know.

"Dad you know what happened. Jordan is a good man. Behave" I warn my Dad. He frowns at me as he walks away. My phone rings. It was Mark. I was kind of hoping for Jordan.

"Hi buddy" I greet him hello.

"Have you told him yet Jules?" he wonders.

"No, I told you I will in person. You better not breathe a word" I warn him.

"I still think you should tell him now" Mark warns me.

"I am telling you I will" I sigh.

"In person" he tells me.

"Yes. So when is your plane coming in?" I ask Mark.

"At 3 on Sunday. Will you pick me up?" he asks me.

"Of course" I say.

"See you then girl. Take care" he says.

"I will see you soon bro" I say before we hang up. I can't help but feel down. It had nearly been two weeks since I last heard from Jordan. I was missing him. I wished our marriage was real. And that our family could be a real family. My heart burns as it aches to think of him.

"Hey he will come" Alyssa tells me softly as she seems to read my thoughts. She hugs me.

"I hope you are right. He is going to hate me when he finds out" I sigh.

"Jordan is not that kind of man. He won't hate you" she tells me.

"I hope not" I sigh softly. I feel the baby kick in me. I gasp.

"Are you alright?" she worries. I place her hand on my tummy. She feels the baby kick her hand.

"Oh my! The sweetest thing!" she giggles happily. My phone rings. It shows Jordan's name popping up.

"Jordan!" I gasp nearly dropping the phone.

"Answer the man" she tells me. I nod. I make her be quite as I walk to my room.

"Jordan?" I answer.

"Hi there Jules. I got your voicemail. I was not ignoring you. I have been so busy" he sighs. He sounded tired on the other line.

"I see. Listen. I want to know think you can make it?" I ask hopefully.

"I would love to. But I am not sure yet. I am working on a new album. They have me working my ass off out here in New York. I will try to okay?" he offers.

"Alright" I sigh.

"Something wrong Jules?" he wonders.

"No, if you can't come I understand. My Dad is pissed I got married. He wants to meet you. I was hoping you could smooth things over with my family is all" I lie.

Well the part about my Dad being pissed was right on the money.

"I have my plane ticket ready. I will try to be there honey. Alright? I am sorry I cannot give you an answer" he says softly.

"I miss you" I admit.

"I miss you to. And our late night talks we still have together. You have become one of my closet's friends you know that?" he asks me. Friend zone. Ouch.

"Same here" I say.

"So are Mark and Alyssa dating or something?" he asks me.

"No" I say.

"Well than why is Mark coming to this dinner?" he wants to know.

"I invited him. Alyssa wants him to come. She does like him. I am kind of hooking them up" I giggle.

"Good luck with that. Watch Mark he might think you both are his" warns Jordan. I wished I was his. I could care less about Mark.

"Mark will be here on Sunday" I mention casually to Jordan.

"Oh yea? That is good" he says to me. "Hey I have another call. I will try to call you later okay?"

"Sure Jordan" I sigh. We hang up. My heart sinks. I wanted him so badly to be here. I wanted to tell him my news. I was having his baby!

"What is the verdict?" asks Alyssa.

"Nothing yet. It is to early to know" I sigh.

"He will come. Wait and see" Alyssa vows.

"I hope you are right" I grumble.


Hi all!

Speed up time a little bit! Surprise at all? Let me know what you think might happen next. Think Jordan will come? What will Mark do? More to come!


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