Chapter 10|I Wanna Be Loved By You

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Chapter 10
Be My Girl


"Dear why are you so nervous?" mother has to ask me while I clean up the kitchen. Alyssa had drove to the airport for me. It would be a shock for Jordan to find me having a baby in a public place. I wanted him to find out here. In private.

"I am not I am excited is all. I want everything to be perfect for Jordan" I sigh.

"He will be happy here. Wait and see" she tells me.

"Jordan comes from a bigger family then ours. I only have one sister" I blurt out.

"Everything will be fine worry-wart" she tells me before she wanders away.

"Hi there darling! Look at you! You are glowing!" brags my Aunt Lydia who comes over to rub my tummy.

"Thank you" I say.

"Where is your husband?" she wonders.

"He is on the way. Alyssa went to pick him up from the airport" I explain.

"Oh so he is not already here?" she sighs.

"No, he is a singer Aunt Lydia. He travels all the time" I explain.

"A singer huh? Oh yes" she laughs.

"He is. His name is Jordan Knight. From the 80's band New Kids On The Block" I groan. Crazy Aunt Lydia.

"Sure dear" she says as she sips on her wine.

"Aunt Lydia see my ring? He bought for me" I argue back.

"Well that is nicer than one you could have found in a Cracker Jack box" she snickers.

"Aunt Lydia!" I snap as she walks away laughing.

"Ignore that crazy bat" Gram tells me as she hugs me.

"Nice to see you Gram" I say as I hug her back.

"So I get to meet this mystery man of yours?" she asks me. I nod.

"Yes Alyssa is picking him up" I tell her with pride. I felt so many nerves hit me all at once. Good ones and bad ones. Suddenly I hear the dog start to bark. That meant someone was pulling up the drive way now! They were here! I gasp. I rush to the window and look out. I see Alyssa's BMW pulling in the drive way.

"He is here! He is really here" I giggle to myself. I rush to the bathroom. I check over my hair one last time. Add my lip gloss on. Then throw it back in the bathroom drawer. The doorbell rings. I open the door hoping it was Jordan waiting for me. There stands Mark smiling at me.

"Hi girl! Happy Thanksgiving" he greets me with a huge hug.

"Hi! Good to see you" I greet him back.

"Wow you were not kidding you have gotten huge" he jokes when he sees my tummy stick out. He places a hand on my belly.

"Is he here? Did he really come?" I worry. He nods.

"He is here. He is helping Alyssa bring in the luggage. Be right back. I have to grab mine" he tells me. I nod. I sigh deeply. This was it! My husband was here!! I see Jordan getting out of the car. I cannot stop smiling at him. He grins looking happy to see me at first. 

Then he notices how large my stomach was now. He saw. His face sinks looking shocked now. He looks away from me. He wanders over to Alyssa and Mark. I hear a heated argument being started. Tears come to me. This was a bad idea after all. I rush into the house. I run in my room. Lock myself inside. I lay on the bed and cry. He hated me. I could tell it already. I sniff as tears flow.

"Can I come in? Juliet?" he calls out at my door.

"Leave me alone" I plea.

"Well we are kind of roommates'. Can I please come in?" he begs me. I sigh. I quickly dry my tears as I get up and unlock the door to my room. He shuts the door behind him and sets down his luggage on my floor.

"Jules, is there something you would like to share with me?" he asks me softly as he takes off his wool coat.

"Yes, Jordan I am having your baby. I am sorry for waiting to tell you. But I wanted to tell you in person" I sniff.

"I know. Alyssa told me in the car on the way here" he sighs.

"She already told you?" I groan. He sits down beside me on the bed.

"Jules, I am glad she did. She told me something else I needed to hear as well" he informs me as he looks deeply into my eyes.

"What is that?" I ask feeling tears well up.

"Don't cry Jules" he says softly looking worried about me. "I missed you"

"I missed you to Jordan" I sniff as I fight back tears. But they come anyway. "What did she tell you?" I demand to know.

"That you are in love with me. You want to know something else?" he asks me softly as he touches my chin with his fingertips.

"What?" I ask softly.

"I love you to. I am in love with you. I have been since we met in Vegas. I am glad she told me. I was scared to tell you because I did not want to ruin our friendship. I did not want to lose you as my friend" he informs me. My heart skips a beat. He loved me in return?

"You love me?" I stammer. He nods. He leans in and kisses me.

"Juliet? Juliet wake up!" Mom demands suddenly. She shakes me awake.

"Huh?" I gasp.

"Alyssa and your friends are here honey. Your husband is here" Mom tells me. She looks at me with worry. It was all just a dream. Jordan never told me he loved me. Darn it.

"I slept? I bet I look awful" I groan. Mother helps me up off the couch by pulling me up off the couch. I hear the doorbell ring. The dog barks. Now was the time to tell my husband we were having a baby. I could not help but wish he loved me the way I loved him. If that dream were only real. I sigh. It was show time. 

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