Chapter Five

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I felt hollow once I watched my friends head to the airport to head back where they lived. My heart sank in my chest. Their visit had been pleasant and we caught up, it couldn't have been more perfect.

That evening, I trudged into work. My efforts at pretending to be happy were detected by Frank. "Something's up, what's wrong?" he asked.

"You'll probably think it's dumb. I'm just upset that my friends had to go back home," I explained. "I'm their little leech," I added with a laugh.

"It's alright if you miss them. How long have you known them?" Frank lead me to his office to sit down.

"Middle school," I answered with a laugh of disbelief. "I've known them for 10 years now."

"It would make sense if you guys are practically attached at the hip. I was close with a few people in high school and once we all went off to our different colleges, it was pretty hard. We called each other every day and studied together." He sighed, gazing out into a distant space as he recalled the memory. "We don't really talk much anymore."

"I'm sorry." I felt awkward in that moment, rather unsure of what to say.

"It's fine. It's not like we ended on a bad note, we just grew apart that's all," he told me. That made my heart sink and I worried about my friends.

"That happens," I added solemnly. Frank gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Ah don't worry. That doesn't happen to everyone. I mean, if your friends surprised you recently and spent time with you, you've got some lifetime friends right there. I know it's hard to not be around them as much, I've been there before."

"Thanks, Frank." I got up from the chair to leave his office but he stopped me before I could go through the doorway.

"Uh.. would you like to go out to dinner with me sometime?" he asked. "Not like a date, but just a hangout type thing."

"I'd love to. When?" I smiled at him, leaning against the door casually. Part of me was hoping that it wouldn't turn into a date at all. Frank was a nice guy, but he was a coworker/friend plus the fact that he had to at least be in his early thirties.

"Would this Friday work for you?" He tapped his pencil nervously on his desk. No date please. No date. I nodded since I knew I didn't have anything to do that night.

"I will literally eat anywhere so you can pick the place," I said. He chuckled heartily in response. "Thank you."

I turned sharply around the corner of the cubicles after being in the control room to watch Lou's latest documentation air. It seemed to be just my luck that I nearly ran into him.

"Hi Tanya," he greeted, eyeing me closely.

"Hello, Lou," I answered, trying not to sound like a stuck-up ass.

"I couldn't help but notice... that time I was in your cubicle..." he began. My heart started beating faster. He meant when I had researched about him. He took a step closer and my heart leapt in my throat. "... do I make you uncomfortable?"

"No, not at all," I lied and gave him a convincing smile.

"I hope you mean that, Tanya. You're a pretty girl and I'd hate to be the reason why you don't feel safe in the work place." His voice dipped down, sending a small shiver up my spine. He sauntered off towards the front of the building. I uneasily peered over my shoulder, catching him eyeing me from behind.

Lou bit his lip and lowered his eyes quickly, his pace speeding up. I needed to make sure that I never wore anything skin tight around him. What was with him and checking out women that openly? Did he not know the art of subtlety?

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