Chapter 1

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Vernon's POV.

I woke up to screaming.

Looks like Minghao is up. 

I look over and see Seungkwan on the bed next to me, he does not look happy.

"Kwannie, I know you're upset that they woke you up but Minghao probably had a bad dream or something"

I got up and realized that I wasn't wearing a shirt when I noticed he was staring at me.

I blushed and quickly grabbed a shirt to put on. 

"Let's go" I grabbed his hand, kissed his cheek lightly, which made him blush, and we walked towards their room, which is like 5 feet away.

"Are you okay Minghao-um isn't it a little early for you two to be making out" Seungkwan said as we ran into their room and saw them making out. I have to agree it was like before 5 in the morning. 

"He just had a bad dream, and no its never too early to kiss my favorite person in the world" Ugh Jun is so cheesy.

"Don't worry Seungkwan I'm fine....hi Vernon " Minghao then sat there staring at us and I started to feel awkward.

"Um, are you two by any chance..." 

"NO" we both replied instantly and I dropped his hand and instantly missed the warmth. Then Jun and Minghao started to talk in Chinese, but Seungkwan and I couldn't understand. He started to roll his eyes. 

"Well, I hope you feel better Minghao and I'm going back to get some more sleep before school starts. Are you coming Vernon." 

"Yeah, I'll be there in a second Seungkwan" He then left and I stood there awkwardly.

 "Um, so what exactly happened."

"I just had a bad dream and thought I was dead so I started screaming." 

"Oh...Well I should probably go back or else Seungkwan is going to get mad at me."

"Ok, bye"

I left going back to Seungkwan's and my room even though I felt bad for Minghao and all.

I collapsed on the bed and Seungkwan crawled in next to me. I looked over at him "Minghao seems to be having a really hard time"

"Yeah but he's got Junhui and school should help get his mind off of everything."

"What if it doesn't though, what if he gets bullied, what if he gets hurt more, what if-" 

I then felt his lips against mine and I pushed back instantly. We sat there making out for a while and I pulled back catching my breath. "Yeah, its totally to early to be making out, huh?"

"No" he whispered me barely hearing before he went back to kissing me. 

I stopped him right as he was about to kiss me "we should probably go back to  bed" 

He sighed and could tell he wanted to keep kissing, so I quickly kissed his cheek. 

We then fell asleep in each others arms like we usually do. 

After waking up later I stole a few kisses and we went to go make breakfast and got ready to head to school.


So if you don't know this goes along with my Junhao fanfics and I'll be posting on these two regularly. 

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