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"See, I told you we are gonna be late but you never listen to me," Alina grumbled from beside me and I gave her a disbelieving look and said, "We are not late for the party Alina, they are early."

"Same difference," she said and I chuckled shaking my head.

Alina removed her hand from mine and ran towards the mass of people dancing. I again shook my head at her and went to where a mini bar was set up. I seriously need some alcohol if I want to survive this party because in no way Alina is going to let me leave early.

I took a sip of my drink and let my eyes roam around the deck. All I could see was a blur of sweaty people dancing wildly and making out.

I enjoy parties and I had been really excited before I reached the deck but it was as if suddenly someone had switched my mood or something because I just wasn't feeling it anymore. It could be that the days' exhaustion was finally catching up to me or maybe the fact that when we reach home tomorrow, everything would be back to how it was before we came on this trip, and I was so not looking forward to that.

I have never been good at studies or anything for that matter. I wasn't athletic or talented or pretty. I have always been an average high school girl with her standard group of friends just living life and going with the flow. The only thing that even remotely interests me is doing something adventurous. I thrive on that. 

I sighed knowing that it will be a long time before I'll be this close to doing anything that screams fun. I looked up and scanned the area around the deck when my eyes did a double-take on the figure that was standing on the far opposite side with a beer in his hand scanning the people on the dance floor just like I was doing seconds ago. There was no expression on his face. There never was.

I have heard a lot about him. He doesn't have any friends. Has never been seen talking to anyone. Always had that black hoodie of his on him as he does now.

He's none other than Zack Lestrange- the hottest and yet the most silent boy of our school.

Sometimes I wonder if he can even speak as none of us has ever heard him open his mouth. No one knows where he comes from or where he goes. 

I didn't realize that I was blatantly staring at him when he turned his head and looked at me. Our eyes met and I instantly looked away. I am not an easy blusher but this time I blushed knowing I was caught looking at him.

But anyway it doesn't matter. It seems like he hates all the students and people of our age group. In fact, it seems like he hates people in general. He glares at anyone who attempts to talk to him except teachers. I don't know what his deal is but he's sure one hell of a mysterious guy.

I finished my drink and thought of going back to my room. The sweaty smell was making me nauseous and the loud music was giving me a headache.

I went to where Alina was dancing and grabbed her arm to bring her to the side.

"What?" she asked breathing heavily.

"I am going back to my room. I am not feeling good." I told her and just like I expected she instantly refused.

"No, you are not going to your room. Please, Hailey, don't go. You know how much I love parties and I want to enjoy it and I need you here with me. You don't participate in anything and  I have no problem with that but I need you here with me. You know how I get after three drinks. Only you can handle me. Please don't go. I'll do anything for you." she pleaded and I chuckled at her.

" Okay, drama queen. Enough. I am not going to my room, okay? I am just gonna go there for some fresh air" I pointed out the place to her where I was going to go so if she has any problem she would know where to find me.

She nodded and hugged me, "Thank you, Hailey. You are seriously the best friend I could ever ask for."

I only snorted at her dramatic declarations and told her to go and enjoy. I went back to the bar to have another drink as I was feeling thirsty.

I  took a sip of my drink and my eyes unconsciously went to the place where I last saw Zack standing only to find him already looking at me intensely.

I quickly averted my eyes and after a few seconds looked back only to find him gone. My eyes began to search him around but I couldn't find him.

I felt a vibration coming from my sling bag and opened it to get to my phone.

It was my mom so I quickly went to the area which I had pointed out to Alina so I could talk peacefully to my mom.

"Hey, mom." I greeted her, standing near the railing. As I looked down, I realized anyone could easily fall from here. The barricade here was lower compared to other parts of the deck making it really dangerous for someone unaware. So, I backed up a few steps to maintain a safe distance.

"How are you?" I asked mom while walking around the place.

We talked for a little while and then as I hung up, something shiny flashed in my eyes making me look in the direction it was coming from. There was something on the surface of the sea so I  carefully moved towards the railing to see what it is only to find out that it was a steel box and the light from the moon was what made it shine.

I was about to step back when suddenly I heard a scream that I got startled and turned around.

It all happened really fast. I felt something caught in my feet throwing me backwards. My eyes widened and  I felt like I was falling but it wasn't until I felt ice cool water all around me that I realized I had fallen inside the sea. 

I tried staying above the water. My hands began flailing in every direction in an attempt to keep myself above the water but the fact that I didn't know how to swim and the freezing temperature of the water wasn't really helping my case. It had only been a couple of minutes but I felt my body giving up. My lips were chattering and I was shivering all over. I didn't even have the energy to shout for help and even if I did, I knew that no one would be able to hear me because of the loud music.

I felt myself drowning. My eyes started closing and my hands limply fell to my sides. No one except Alina knew that I was here. I saw my entire life flashing right in front of my eyes. It would just be a matter of time before I don't have to feel anything and with this thought, my eyes closed fully.

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