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I don't remember how long I was in the water struggling to save myself when I heard a splash and felt two strong arms lifting me out of the water.

I didn't have much energy left so I am sure the person who was trying to help me was going through a lot of struggle to pull me up. I

 felt an arm around my waist and I was finally pulled up with a force.

As soon as I was up, I started breathing heavily trying to inhale all the oxygen I can. I felt the arm around my waist trying to push me towards somewhere and I was so tired from the struggling that I let the person take me wherever he or she was taking me.

After a few seconds, I felt being lifted and dumped on some rough surface. By now my vision was getting slightly better and my thoughts started clearing. I felt the place I was dumped on shake a bit and saw that the person who tried to save me, or at least I hope so, climbing up and sitting beside me.

By now I could clearly make out what was going on. When I heard the sound of music I looked up to see that it was coming from the cruise.

Cruise? Wait, what? Where the hell am I?

I looked down at myself to see what I am sitting on to find myself in a lifeboat.

"Chill you are alive" I heard a voice from beside me and I let out a scream.

How the hell can I not see that someone's there with me on the boat?!

The person in question winced and put a hand on my mouth to stop me from screaming.

I slowly calmed down and turned to look at the person.

My heart started beating fast when I saw that the person who saved me from drowning and the person who is sitting with me on the boat is none other than Zack Lestrange!

Did he save me? But why? He didn't even know me? And from what I have heard he's not the type of person to help a damsel in distress! Then why did he?

He saved my life! I should be thanking him rather than questioning his actions.

But wait! He can speak! 

"Thank you" my voice came out small and scratchy from all the seawater that I had consumed.

He just looked at me with an expressionless face and after a second grunted.

I kept quiet knowing that if I said something there is a high chance it might tick him off.

After five minutes, I couldn't keep my silence anymore. I always have to babble on something and talking while being nervous is just one of the things that I do to keep me sane.

So, I slowly looked at him and meekly asked the question which has been swirling in my head for quite a long time, "Why did you save me? I mean it's not that I am not grateful to you for saving me, because trust me I am, it's just that I have heard you don't exactly go around helping people in need."

I knew I should I have kept my mouth shut once I saw a dark look crossed his face.

His eyes were so cold that I found myself unconsciously flinching.

I wasn't expecting an answer after the look I received from him but I was definitely surprised when he opened his mouth.

"Aren't you supposed to be asking me that why are we in the life boat and not on the cruise?" he asked in a cool voice which sure as hell sent shivers down my spine.

But when his question registered in my head I finally thought that he is right, why aren't we on the cruise where I can go to my room and change out of my wet clothes!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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