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Here I am texting my best friend. I only helped him because he's my best pal. He always wants to know when someone is talking bad about him in any way so I told him about the crap people were saying but here I am now being accused of lieing.

I never lie. Of course I like the guy as my friend then he tells me I'm driving his friends away and his girlfriends. What did I do wrong?! All I did was want to help the guy.

When I thought he cooled off he yells at me to stop hitting on him. I was all like wow dude I ain't doing anything like that to you all I've done was be there for you.

Now he's treating me like I killed someone. I lost his trust by nothing. It seems my best friend I can trust with my life tells him everything I say.

She shows him screenshots of our texts. I hate that because I say secret stuff that should not be heard or soon by random people especially not him.

She showed that I was worried because of his depression.

I said in a paragraph what I was mad about and how I'm trying to get his trust back but she aplarently had to show him what I said. Why do I put my trust to others? Why do I a lb ways have to fake a smile at school when in reality I'm suffering on the inside because of two people.

Now he's not gonna talk to me anymore not even at school. He won't even look at me and doesn't show how pissed he is when he sees me or is around him.

When I try to apologize for what he's accusing me of he yells at me to stop and then accusses me of liking him. I was thinking in my head geez I was only trying to apologize not have pity taken upon me or for him to get so pissed by an apology.

When I try to explain he gets mad and tells a girl he likes and then she goes off on me accusing me of what he's saying. How am I cheating and hitting on him and a lo so lieing?

I don't lie and I have a boyfriend who I love even though he doesn't do much to help with this situation but he really wants to.

He tries to make me laugh and take my mind off of everything bad but this is something I just can't get over until the guy accepts me as his friend again and texts me back just one last time saying hi or how you doing. I need his trust.

He's very important to me and he doesn't know it. I trust my friends with my dear life and I'd protect this guy with everything I got. I'd take blames and punches.

I would like it if he hit me to show how mad he is at me instead of keeping quiet.

I know I'm not pretty and that I make bad decisions but I really hope he trusts me again. I now changed myself for his sake. I don't like doing this but I love making him happy.

And if it's for him I'd do anything but I know he would never feel the same again. I do have a crush on him but I don't try to show it.

He saw that though and he sees me and gives me second chances and a lot of chances. I tried to get his attention but it turns him angry but I didn't do much but if someone hurts his feelings I go after them. I know I'm not pretty and that I got a bad body and make poor choices. I know I have a poor personality and am bad at making conversation but I try.

Isn't that what counts isn't it? But my mind makes me want to change myself even though I think myself is fine. But he is constantly accusing me because of stuff people make up about me.

He's also probably starting to think I'm a sl*t as well like what people at school say about me. All I gotta say is that I'm sorry and I know that pisses him off but deep down I can't stop saying sorry.

I'm sorry for everything I'm sorry for being in your life I'm sorry I have a mind and a mouth but please forgive me...

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