Burn The Witch! If only she was one (weorwolf story)

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now I never do this but I would like it if some of you read my book named "Burn The Witch! If only she was one (weorwolf story)"

reason: Well because I have no reads no coments and no votes.

and I need somone to give it a chance

description: Emily Bane, is a young girl at the age of 17 when she gets accused of being a witch, she will be burnt at a stake t she cant escape. luckily for her she is a strong young weorwolf, so she has a few tricks up her sleeves. please join emily on her wacky anventure full of wolves trust, romance and witches.

Basically she gets convisted as a witch and shows she is a werewolf instead, the witches get angry because she has reveled there is such thing as mistical creatures and caste a spell on her so that she wont age untill she finds her mate.

Please have a heart and read my book i need to know if it's any good?

Thankyou all for paying attention

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