My review on tribal intentions

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Review on Tribal Intentions

Tribal intentions is the tale of two sister's Rose and Tamara, who end up on a deserted, or so they suspect, island in the Caribbean. This occurred after Rose got thrown overboard by her rival for a boy's love.  Her sister Tamara jumped in after her, and they were then washed ashore. Then we see the typical stranded on an island story line play out, in quite a typical fashion.

They talk things over, the main character; Rose ponders over the events, and ceaselessly thinks things over. They find fresh water, and eat a coconut, what you would expect from this genre. Rose also continues to think about how close she and her twin sister Tamara are.

It is at this point that the story takes on a different take. They are kidnapped, or so Rose thinks, and put in a tent. They both stress, and decide to burst out and run for it, after listening in on their abductor's conversations, which don't reveal much.

They soon discover that they are in the middle of a small settlement of teenagers, who for the most part act quite civilised. Rose accuses them of kidnapping and cracks a few jokes, much to Tamara's irritation, which she soon falls out with.

Eventually we start seeing oddities, such as the fact that these teenagers have TV's and are eating coke and ice cream. Rose suspects a conspiracy, and then we see the story start to take shape.

I think this story during some parts, despite having plenty of action, it doesn't really engage me, as these "stuck on an island" storylines have been done so many times, that we simply begin to filter what for the most part is an alright story.

This story, only really begins to pick up after they meet the colony. And, that doesn't happen until at least a couple of chapters in. So, unless you have a dedicated reader, I believe some may drop off.

It is at no fault of the author, but rather simply the way the story at the start seems to follow the typical motions. As well as the fact that the main character seems unconcerned about their situation, which leads readers to believe that she doesn't really care, making it not a concern to the readers either.

There are some good moments in this story, such as when Tamara and Rose have their small argument about Rose hogging the spotlight. This really is a good moment, as there is some deep emotion within this scene.

Overall, this is a fairly good story; however you have to stick it out to get to the good part. As well as that, the story was incomplete at the time of reviewing so it makes it hard to comment, as I can't see clearly where the story is heading.

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