S n e a k P e a k

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A/N: Hey guys! This is a small preview to the story I've decided to write.

I also decided to make this excerpt one of the steamy/dramatic scenes between two of the leading characters. There are many more characters, but I was just itching to write something with these two in it, hehe.

Okay well that's about it, enjoy! :)



"We're not here to play dolls with you, human. We're here to RUIN you. It's time you learned that."

Nell scoffed, "Save it Cecil. If that were the case I wouldn't be standing here speaking with you. I'd be roasting on a pole with an apple stuffed in my mouth for you and the rest of those alien freaks."

Cecil knew she was right. She should be dead and they both knew it better than anyone, but Cecil couldn't let her think she'd won just yet.

"Thank you for the lovely image, but human flesh is too cheap and distasteful for our liking. Wouldn't want to get sick with food poisoning on this god awful planet, would we?" Cecil shot the girl a taunting smirk, hoping to irk her with his dark humor before quickly reverting to his usual cold demeanor. However, Nell still caught on to his tiny lapse in persona and couldn't keep the past slough of questions from resurfacing in her mind.

"Why am I still alive Cecil?" She decided to ask.

Cecil stared at the girl in masked shock. Never had a human been so bold as to question his motives. Then again, never had he let one of them leave with their hearts or heads still in tact after an encounter. But there she was, alive. And Cecil himself couldn't grasp why. He couldn't be going soft now, he was Captain after all, and she was nothing but human scum. He was superior, and she had no right to question him - even if it was in respects to her life.

"Why, Cecil?" Nell boldly questioned him out of confusion. She had seen what the creature standing before her was capable of, yet he restrained himself with her, even with her friends. She couldn't grasp the reasoning behind it.

"How is it possible? You meant to kill me, I know you did. It would've been so easy for you too, like the push of a button. Like the snap of a finger. But you didn't-"

Blood red anger boiled deep within Cecil and quickly surfaced as he charged toward the mouthy girl, reaching for her neck to cut her words off. He roughly hoisted Nell up in midair by her neck and snarled up at her, unbridled fury burning clear in his eyes.

"DO NOT QUESTION ME HUMAN!" Cecil all but growled, "Whether I decide to spare your miserable life does not concern you, and if you dare question me again I will not hesitate to change my decision."

Cecil instinctively closed his free hand into a tight fist as the rage rippled through him uncontrollably. He then forced his fist to open and flexed his fingers in an attempt to control his anger while trying to restrain the burning desire to snap the stupid girl's neck.He knew this sudden spark of rage was uncalled for, yet he never seemed to be able to control himself when he was around her, which only made him all the more furious.

Nell simply stared into the man's stormy blue orbs as he cast her a darkly frigid glare that pierced through the thick rimmed glasses resting neatly on the bridge of his perfect nose and stabbed into her own blank stare. However, Nell went unfazed by the raging creature's death-stare. She wasn't about to call it quits now. In fact, she was just getting started.

She wanted to see how far she could pull at his strings before he finally snapped. Maybe then she'd get the brawl she had been looking for the day that she escaped with her life. Without breaking eye contact, she cautiously removed Cecil's glasses and hung them on the collar of her own shirt. Nell watched as his pretty blue irises quickly dissolved into gleaming, black eyes.

She waited. Nothing.

She then extended small hands towards the obscured and intricate patterns on Cecil's wrists that she had caught a glimpse of the day that he almost ended her life. Delicately, she traced the curvy lines on the underside of his wrists, realizing just how soft his ivory skin really was. She gently prodded the few glimmering scales decorating the curve of his neck and released a breathy chuckle as he reflexively twitched away from her intimate touch.

Soon enough she found herself caressing the now-glowing symbols etched on his bare chest under his human attire. Nell could hear Cecil's breathing hitch and then quicken into small pants over her own unsteady breaths as she nervously continued touching him ever so softly.

Cecil brought his other hand up to Nell's lower back and pressed her against his own body to steady her and keep her upright as his grip on her neck weakened under her touch. As she continued exploring his inhuman features, she noticed that his pointed glare had now softened into a clouded look of what she could only interpret as shock, confusion, and possibly restrained pleasure.

What was going on?

Nell was beyond surprised. She expected the man to wring her neck the moment she reached out to remove his glasses, because Lord knows how protective he is of his pretty face and those stupid tacky glasses.

But he didn't, and now they were facing each other in an extremely compromising position.

Cecil loosened his grip on her neck until she smoothly landed both feet on the ground and removed her hands from his soft skin. The glowing in his chest slowly died out. His body had literally been glowing from her touch. Nell had never seen anything like it before, but then again, she'd never gotten as close to one of 'them' before as she just had with Cecil, so how would she know if it was normal?

Cecil still held her gaze, though the iciness his eyes had once radiated had now melted into a foggy stare that Nell couldn't make heads or tails out of. Cecil suddenly cleared his throat, breaking the silence between them, then took back his glasses from where they hung on Nell's shirt. As he placed them back on the bridge of his nose his human disguise reappeared, along with the guarded walls that hid the true Cecil from her once again.

"I have not changed my decision Nelson." Cecil said with a softer and gentler voice than before as he turned away from her, "You shall keep your life, for now."

"But don't think for a second that I am granting you a reprieve, human. I am not a lenient man." He added a bit more sharply while he made his way over to the lifeless Rager and the viciously mauled bodies of its victims, "You shall go down along with your filthy planet soon enough. That's a promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Cecil."

Cecil looked over his shoulder at Nell with dark, brooding eyes.

"You think you have gained newfound power from all of this, don't you? You think yourself a fateful captain and the rest of these human mongrels as your loyal crew," Cecil hoisted the bodies over his shoulders with ease, showing no signs of struggle with the beyond-heavy load, "But your ship is sinking. Open your eyes Nelson. Earth is imploding, and you're powerless to stop it. You won't stop it."

"I will."

Cecil bellowed a humorless laugh in response as he stalked off in the direction of his base camp with the three corpses in tow.

"Oh, and Nell? Don't forget, a captain always goes down with their ship."


A/N: Soooooo, what did you think? Amazing? Good? Bad? Awful? I'd really like to know what you think about it and if it has you interested! Either way, I'm just really excited to write and share my ideas with you guys so don't be afraid to tell me what it think!

Anyways, thank you so much for reading! It really means a lot :)


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