The woman.

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Alex had a hard time keeping her head straight during math. Whenever the word ‘math’ encountered her ears, she would look at the speaker with eyes filled with hatred. To her, math was torture, she loathed math, just like the most of us.

"MISS ALEX CLARK!" shouted a tall, slim, green eyed Mrs. Peters, walking towards Alex from her desk with a disgusted look on her face. Alex’s eyes immediately made their way towards the teacher as she realized she had been sleeping during Mrs. Peters lectures.

 "Would you please repeat exactly what my last sentence was?" inquired Mrs. Peters sternly. Alex looked around the classroom finding many gazes, waiting for her to answer.

 "Uh, your last sentence would be miss Alex Clark?" Alex regretted those words as soon as they escaped her lips when she heard faint giggles from behind  her.

"Miss Alex I will not tolerat-" the bell rang before a very angry looking, Mrs. Peters, could complete her sentence, causing many students to leave the classroom which distracted Mrs. Peters.

 "Don’t forget to practice for the test next week, class!"  reminding the class, Mrs. Peters opened her purse to look for something. Alex noticed how Mrs. Peters was distracted and made a run for it. She picked up a few books that laid on her table, packed her bag and followed behind a few students without getting noticed. After finally making her way out the class she sighed, relieved. It wasn’t actually the first time she had angered Mrs. Peters and gotten away with it. Alex made her way through the corridor as she headed towards her bus.

"You should be much more careful Alex, you don’t want to get in trouble” Alex turned around quickly as these words found her ears, finding a very attractive Mandy. The sun light touched her face directly which made her light brown eyes shine. Mandy was a very ambitious girl who, you can say, was capable of becoming a president. Her sun kissed complexion and clear skin proved that she was absolutely gorgeous.

"Yeah I know, I can't help it, Mrs. Peters makes math seem like the most boring subject in the world.” Alex smiled at Mandy, who along with Jennifer and Claire, smiled back.

“I’ll see you guys tomorrow then, I’m going to miss the bus if I stay another minute” Alex informed still smiling and hugged her best friends goodbye.

Alex was a mystery. No one knew a lot about her and she liked keeping things that way, she wouldn’t have intense conversations with anyone about life, instead, she would just live in moment and make memories, creating laughter wherever she went. She had many friends, a hand full were recognized by Alex as close friends, the rest were just acquaintances. A 16 year old with big chocolate brown eyes, dark curly hair, a tan complexion, straight pointy nose, highlighted cheek bones and pouty lips would definitely be considered as beautiful and she was. Her height was about 168 cm feet, which made her a tad bit taller than most of her friends  with an athlete's body. Alex usually preferred being by herself, lost in her thoughts, creating scenarios in her mind that kept her in her fantasy world. She was just like any ordinary girl but she was extraordinary, she just didn’t know it yet.

Entering the bus, Alex held the seats for support so she wouldn’t topple over a few bags laying on the floor as she made her way towards her seat in the right corner end of the bus and sat down ignoring everyone else to avoid conversations.

"Mom, I'm home" Alex informed, as she entered her house where she lived with just her mother, Mary.

"Take off your shoes and take your bag to your room" ordered Mary. Sighing, Alex made her way to her room, not expecting her mother to ask her about her day at school as the uninterested person she was. Alex didn't really like her mother as she always told her what to do. Like any mainstream mother, she wanted Alex to be the way she wanted her to be, never actually trying to get to know her which was greatly disliked by Alex, she just wanted to be herself, which was unaccepted by her mother. Alex didn't know much about her father though, she had just seen a picture of him once when she was 8 years old. Her mother never talked about him and whenever Alex would inquire, Mary would divert the topic

Soon, the day came to an end as the sun was setting on the horizon. After finishing her homework, she changed into her PJs and switched off the lights, allowing only the silvery moon light into her room from the window as she prepared herself to sleep. Laying on the bed, Alex thought about her father and how her life would've been if she knew who he was, just the thought of not knowing anything about her father would upset Alex as her mother never really mentioned him to her, whenever her friends talked about their parents, Alex would feel envious but only curved her lips into a smile.

Alex turned to her right, pulled her blanket towards her chin and made herself comfier just when her eyelids felt heavy. She looked at the wall that was a platform for  the dimly glowing moonlight that made its way from the window, when instantly something tall and dark, almost like a shadow, move across the wall fast enough for her to catch a glimpse of it. Alex stiffened and stayed still for a while after covering her body and face with her blanket. Fright took over her, causing her to take slow breaths and not move a muscle. Alex couldn’t find the audacity to sneak a peek of what caused the shadow on her wall, there had to be someone in the room to have caused that shadow. After a while she sensed some weight settling down on the corner of her bed as though someone placed something on it, it seemed as if she wasn't the only one on her bed. Alex's heart beats were faster than usual, her breathing had almost stopped, she felt sweat dripping off her forehead and her ears felt warm but she didn't move. After about what seemed like an hour, which actually were just a few minutes, she found the courage within her to investigate who was invading her bed. She slowly removed the blanket off her face and discovered a woman with snow white skin, long blonde hair, full luscious red lips wearing a white grown, smiling at her on her bed.

"OH MY GOD AHH-" Alex's mouth was covered by the beautiful woman before she could wake anyone up.

"Shuuusshhhhhh, don’t be scared, I’m not going to hurt you" said the lady with her finger on Alex’s lips. Alex was fidgeting and frightened, she slapped the lady’s finger off of her mouth.

"Wh-who are you? What do you want?" Alex inquired while stammering.

 "Oh dear, you look pale, I didn't mean to scare you, my apologies, I’m your guardian of course" the lady said as she smiled.


that's chapter one right there. I’m really excited about what you guys think of it. please vote and comment for chapter two. thank you x 

Guardiansजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें