The mark.

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“Alex, have you seen the time?. Come on now, get ready. You should be able to wake yourself up by now, I’m not always going to be around, you have..” Alex’s mother carried on angrily as she opened the curtains to let in the shining golden sunlight.

 “I’m up mother, I’m up” Alex managed to say as she opened her light brown eyes that took in the shimmering light coming for the window. Sitting on her bed, Alex rubbed her eyes and looked at the ground for a while then shot her eyes across the room after, scanning every corner as tough she was finding someone.

“What a dream” Alex sighed as she got up immediately. Making her way to the lavatory, Alex caught a glimpse of herself from the corner of her eyes on a mirror that hung just beside her bed. Not wasting any time on looking at herself, Alex continued her walk to the lavatory but halted right away when she assumed she saw something on her face, causing her to look at herself again but for a longer time.

“What on earth!” Alex partly yelled as she ran her fingers across her cheek in an attempt to get rid of the dark mark that was shaped in a pair of lips. It seemed as though someone had kissed Alex below the eye with permanent charcoal black lipstick because it didn’t seem to come off no matter how many times she rubbed it.

"Alex! What’s the rush?" shouted Clair walking behind Alex as fast as she could. Alex covered her face by lowering her head and forcing strands of her hair onto her face as she pushed passed her schoolmates in the hallway that contained many students casually having a conversation with their friends. Entering the girls’ room, Alex examined the eccentric looking mark on her cheek, that was big enough to be noticed by anyone, in the mirror. The thought of people staring at Alex’s face because of the blotch  her face held, sent shivers through her body. Taking a deep breath, Alex moved away from the mirror in terror and looked at her reflection from a distance.

 “What is your problem?! why’d you ignore me back there?!" Clair shouted emphasizing the word 'problem' as she entered the girls' room and looked at Alex through her deep green eyes, in anger. Her dirty blonde colored hair looked a tad bit messy and her cheeks, which were usually white as snow just like the rest of the body, had a very light shade of crimson. Alex didn’t even bother looking at Claire and continued to stare at herself in shock.

 "Alex, are you okay?" inquired Clair in a bit of concern in her tone.

"No! does it look like I’m okay? look at my face!" Alex screamed pointing towards her face.

“What’re you talking about?" Clair asked still looking at Alex like a confused bimbo.

 "What do you mean what am I tal-" Alex stopped right away when she turned to look at herself in the mirror. After looking at herself for a few seconds, she walked close to the mirror as fast as she could as realization hit her, the mark was gone.

“What?! but-“ Alex couldn’t complete her sentence, which was actually directed towards herself, as the school bell rung.

 "What's wrong Alex?" Clair asked worried, looking at Alex with a fretful look on her face.

 "Nothing, we should get to class" was all Alex could manage to say as she rushed past her friend, exiting the girls' room.

"Photosynthesis actually plays a very important role in this process Chris, great question, please sit down, thank you. You see, class...." carried on Mrs. Robinson, gesturing her hands in the air and changing her expressions. Alex couldn’t get herself to concentrate to what was going on in the class, instead, she thought about the dream she had about the woman and the uncanny mark on her face.

 "Okay that'll be enough for today, oh and before I forget.." Mrs. Robinson stern voice pulled Alex back to reality as she realized she was in her classroom. Paying attention to what the teacher had to say, Alex turned her head and looked about her class to see what all the students were doing, while she did this, her eyes caught something unusual outside the window that made her hold her breath for a while.

 "OH MY GOD" Alex shouted almost falling off her seat while looking at the window, gaining the attention of almost the whole class.

"Do you have something to share miss Clark?" asked Mrs. Robinson. Alex managed somehow to face the teacher.

"The window, it's her, she's the th-th- lady. i-i-" Alex tried to explain while stammering and pointing towards the window. This caused Mrs. Robinson and the whole class to look at the window but Alex couldn’t find the courage to do what was done by the rest.

"Calm down Alex dear, there's nothing there" as soon as Alex heard these words escape Mrs. Robinson’s mouth, her eyes shot in the direction of the window and her jaw clenched, failing to process what just happened.

 "Alex? are you feeling alright?" asked the teacher, worried.

"Alex?" she asked again after not getting an answer.

"Huh? no, I’m fine, can I just  go to the washroom please?” asked Alex after a long pause.

 "Sure, go ahead. so anyway, class.." Mrs. Robinson carried on as Alex got out of the class and practically ran towards the girls' room to wash her face.

 “What’s happening?” she said to herself, perplexed and threw cold water on her face. After staring at herself for a while, Alex went back to class.

Alex immediately jumped off her seat to exit the class as the bell rang so she could avoid people, specifically, her friends, because she knew they'd try to talk to her about what happened in class.

"Alex! wait!" Jennifer shouted, walking behind Alex with Clair and Mandy to catch up with her but failing as Alex sped up.

 "Hey! HEY!" Jennifer shouted in anger after not getting any response from Alex. Running towards the brown haired girl, Jennifer grabbed her by her shoulder and looked at her angrily through her blue eyes while tucking her dark brown, almost black hair, that matched her rosy-pale skin perfectly, behind her ear.

"Don’t walk away from us! what was that? what happened in class? are you okay?" Jennifer asked worried and angry. Clair and Mandy finally caught up with them and stood beside Jennifer.

 "I’m fine, it's nothing you guys should worry about, I’m in a hurry, I have to,uh, feed my fish, see you guys tomorrow" said Alex walking away immediately.

"But you don’t have any fish!” screamed Mandy loud enough for Alex to hear but she ignored. 

It was 2:00 in the morning and she couldn't go to sleep. She couldn't get herself to stop thinking about all the unusual things that happened to her. Was Alex going crazy or what she dreamt of was not a dream but actually real? It couldn’t have been a dream after what she saw outside the window. What was all that? if the lady was real, why can't she just talk to Alex instead of showing up late at night or outside windows? who was she hiding from? And thinking of all of this Alex just realised she had no idea how she went back to sleep again yesterday. After a lot of thoughts and many questions, Alex finally drifted off to a relaxing sleep. 

Alex's blinked her eyes open as she found herself awake for no reason at all at about 4 in the morning. Closing her eyes, Alex yawned removing the blanket off her face. After a few minutes, she opened her eyes and found a pair of big, ash grey eyes staring right at her with so much concentration. Alex completely froze, her eyes were locked on those grey orbs. Alex tried to scream but her voice had disappeared, she just opened her mouth in an attempt to scream but there was nothing, sweat appeared on her forehead as she tried to get up and run away but nothing happened. She just laid there, completely frozen and mute. The eyes moved closer to her and Alex shut her eyes.


i dont really like this chapter alot  cause i haven't slept in like, 18 hours but i had to update so.. i hope you guys like it. i'll be updating every wednesday. take care :) x

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