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Alex lifted her eyes open as the glowing sunlight made its way into the room through the window, finding her laying on her bed. Alex sat up on her bed and stared at the phoenix mark on her wrist for a while before making her way towards the kitchen downstairs.

"Alex, darling, you're awake, listen, I have to go out of town for a couple of weeks, we're working on a new project and boss wants me to attend meetings for him till he's in Africa so I’ll be travelling on road with Kevin and Melissa, here's some money, I love you" said Alex's mother, Mary whilst putting on her coat, grabbing her car keys, kissing Alex on her cheek and making her way towards the door.

"Mom, can I stay home today? I don’t feel very well." Alex informed her mom before she left placing her hands on the dining table.

"Sure" replied Mary and shut the door behind herself. 

Alex's mother usually stayed out of town because of her Job, so this wasn't exactly a surprise for her. One time, her mother  wasn't home for a whole year when she was only 12 and hired a nanny for her. 

"Avery?" Alex said in an attempt to find out whether Avery was present or not.

"Yes, child?" a voice that resembled to Avery's made its way to Alex's ears. Alex traced the kitchen to find Avery but there was no sign of her.

"Where are you?" Alex inquired.

"Oh, my mistake, I forgot you couldn't see me, how silly" Avery laughed at herself as she appeared right in front of Alex.

"I’m not going to school today so I thought maybe you could tell me more about my father and who exactly I am" Alex informed Avery with a twinkle on hope in her eyes that Avery would agree.

"Of course your highness, how abou-" Avery was interrupted by Alex before she could complete.

"Whoa, what's with the 'your highness'?" Alex questioned, smiling in confusion.

"Well, your father was the king, that makes you a princess, right?" Avery enlightened Alex.

"Oh, right. But that's not necessary, call me Alex, would you like some cereal?" Replied Alex as she turned around to get a bowl and a spoon for herself with her eyebrows raised and a surprised expression on her face.

"As you wish, Alex and no, thank you. I was wondering if I could take you to Laxanareth today." Avery said to Alex.

"Laxanareth?" Alex said bewildered as she sat down on the  chair and placed her bowl on the table.

"Yes, home of the guardians, your father's kingdom, would you like to go?" Avery said. 

"Today? For real?" Alex replied excited about finding out more about her father's kingdom.

"Yes, Alex." Replied Avery smiling at how Alex's eyes lit up.

"Alright, um, we can leave in about an hour then? I have to get ready to visit this magical land where I’m a princess with Guardians and what not" Alex replied while chuckling as she looked and got up to go to her bedroom.

"I know you find it hard to believe, but you have to" Avery said louder than usual so Alex could hear her as she was out of the kitchen.

"Oh no, I believe it, trust me. All that's happening to a girl who had no idea about who her father was, like what? a week ago?, and suddenly some fairy like lady called Avery appears from absolutely no where with magic and crap, and tells her she’s a princess and belongs to this different world which was once ruled by her father who's a king, yeah, I think I’ve seen and heard enough to believe all of this is real" Alex shouted at Avery in an annoyed tone as she stood on the stairs, that led to her room, looking straight at Avery.

"You should get ready, child." was all Avery said before disappearing with a hurt look on her face.

Alex didn't know what to do. Should she go with Avery or ask her to disappear forever and never bother her again?. Alex was a very adventurous person but this is a whole different level of adventure, everything that she had seen in movies and read in books, magic, witches, fairies, wizards, they're all real. All the things she thought that were made up by a few bored people who didn't know what to do with their lives, were actually real. Of course Alex wasn't going to miss an opportunity like this, to discover herself, to find out who she was. She just can’t let something like this slip away, looking back at her life and all the magic she's been exposed to, the answer to which is none. But could she trust Avery? what if Avery is actually evil and  wants to imprison Alex just like her father?

"I'm not evil, Alex" Said Avery catching Alex off guard.

"wha- how did you know I was thinking about that?" Alex was confused and shocked at the same time.

"I can read your thoughts child, you have to trust me. You don’t really have a choice" Avery replied looking at Alex pleadingly. Alex thought about it for a minute. Even if Avery was evil and imprisoned Alex, at least she'd get to see her father, and her father's the king so obviously his followers might be plotting a way to rescue him, which would result in her being rescued as well. 

"I'm not going to imprison you, Alex" Avery said trying to convince Alex.

"I trust you" Alex replied. She trusted Avery from the start but she had to think about it properly.

"And I’m sorry about shouting earlier, I shouldn't have let all my frustration out on you, I didn't mean to, I’m sorry" Alex continued, guilt taking over her.

"That's okay, Alex. You don’t have to apologize." replied Avery, smiling.

"Okay, I’m ready. Let's go to Laxanareth." Alex smiled at Avery, Reassuringly. Taking a risk. She has no idea what would happen to her next but she trusts Avery.

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