New cover by catburn read her book the glass in our souls

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Today I meet the new boy at school and he asked me to the back to school dance tomorrow night.
He is really nice and he wants to be my boyfriend but all the boys are wanting to go all Bloody Mary on him for steeling me away.
So I now have a boyfriend and all of a sudden all the boys want this girl.
I feel like I am on fire like Alesha keys.
Anyway I am going to the dance the dance tonight with nothing to wear and I am really nervous all ready.
I can't even think about what I would do without Chris, who Chris, he's my boyfriend.
I don't want to think about wear I would be without him.
Probably alone in a hole of fire and despair.
I truly love him but its so hard to be without him.
I wish that the threats to him from all the other boys would stop.

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