chapter 2 July 13th 2015 Seeing Jesus again

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On July 13th, 2015, I underwent a procedure during which I would be put to sleep. Needless to say, I was trying not to be nervous, but the wait seemed to take forever. When the time came for me to go back, that's when I started to get nervous. They took me back and began preparing everything. It was at this moment that something extraordinary happened. Just like in 2011, I saw Jesus standing by my hospital bed. I couldn't believe it was happening again, but I felt a sense of happiness within me. He gently placed his hand on mine, comforting me as the doctor administered the sedative through the IV, causing me to feel drowsy. Just before I drifted off to sleep, I heard him reassuring me that everything would be okay, and then I fell asleep.

Upon waking up, I didn't see him anymore. To this day, I ponder why this encounter happened twice, but I don't question it. The presence of Jesus during those vulnerable moments brought me a sense of peace and comfort that I continue to hold dear.

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