chapter 1 march 13th 2011 seeing jesus

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This story is 100% true; it really happened to me. I feel like God wants me to put this on here.

In 2011, I was at one of my friend's houses. We had just gotten back from Great Wolf Lodge, and she wasn't feeling well. Later that night, I woke up and heard her say the words "Jesus, will you heal me?" in her sleep. It's very rare that she talks in her sleep. I sat up and saw him sitting next to her where she was laying. I thought I was dreaming at first, but then I realized I wasn't. He healed her, then he looked over to where I was. I was speechless. I felt a peace and love that was beyond understanding; that's the only way to explain what I felt when he looked at me.

Then he said in a sweet and loving voice, "Go back to sleep, my baby girl." As soon as he said that, I laid back down. He came over to where I was and put my covers back on me. I heard him start humming, and I felt him rubbing my back to help me get back to sleep. Then I went back to sleep. Now I know he is with me all the time, even if I can't see him; I know he's there. I still see him sometimes, especially when I'm scared. He comforts me when I'm scared. I hope this has touched you in some way.

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