Muslims in the west

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There's something I really love about Muslims in the west and that's

Tolerance towards Muslims with different nationalities.

Most Muslims in western counties are not ethically western. The majority are from a different continents, usually Asia or Africa.

Sadly some Muslims are racist when in their home countries but when you are in the west, generally with younger Muslims, your nationality doesn't matter.

A Muslim Arab and Somali could be best friends!

I mean, I have Indian Muslim neighbours and one of them recently married a Pakistani girl!

People are so much more unracist (is that a word?) and I love that so much.

Generally across the world people want to have lighter skin. Generally.
I was in Pakistan last year and me and my cousin (who has never properly left Pakistan) argued about whether it's rude to call someone dark or black. He thought it was and I thought it wasn't.
He said:
"It's not bad to be black but it's bad to call someone black."

He's basically's bad to be black. Don't call people black.

And it upsets and frustrates me so much.


But I love how it doesn't matter to the Muslim community where I live. Of course I can't speak for everyone. I think my mum feels more comfortable around Pakistanis like herself but again GENERALLY SPEAKING nationality doesn't hold much importance

Thoughts of a Muslim teen in the westHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin