Chapter 4

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He ran until he could no longer hear the echoing of yelling in his floppy ears.

Home had ran from the apartments into the nearby New York City and he sat down in the dirty alleyway next to a shiny and grey box that had a very bad odor.

He didn't know what it was, he was just a dog. Home yawned tiredly and laid down, resting his head on his urine smelling paws.

The alleyway was very uncomfortable but somehow Home managed to sleep for about 15 minutes until he heard a growling noise.

He perked his ears and turned his head to see what it was but he remained in his laying down position.

Out of the shadows came a growling mutt that looked hostile, Home stared at the dog as foam and slobber dripped from its mouth.

The dog growled even more, showing it's sharp yellow teeth.

The mutt was much bigger than Home but Home wouldn't give up his food that was in the can next to him.

The mutt's ears were back and it's mouth was twisted into an angry snarl.

Home perked his ears got up and returned the mutt's growl, trying to make an much slobber as possible.

Home snarled and growled even barked, trying to make himself seem as scary as the mutt was.

The mutt lunged for Home's throat but Home dodged and leapt for the mutt's throat, Home dug his teeth deep into the mutt's neck.

The mutt whimpered and backed off a little, Home growled again letting the taste of blood sit on his taste buds.

The mutt snarled then ran away, giving up on what it thought was an easy meal.

Home growled and turned tail on the mutt, he then knocked the silver can over and rotten food and leftovers spilled on the floor of the alleyway.

Now Home knew, to live on the streets he had to be like all the other dogs on the street.

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