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I stood there captivated by the little envelope in my hands. My hands trembling as I tried to open it for what seemed like the hundredth time. Finally, the little tab ripped open revealing a piece of paper folded up neatly. Its okay Rachel, its probably nothing.

As tenderly as I could I whisked the paper out from the envelope. I could feel all eyes on me as I fumbled with the edges of the letter. Suddenly I felt someone get up and come to me. She snatched the paper out from my hands and opened it in a breeze. My heart almost exploded in my chest as I watched her read it. I tried to scan her face for a hint of an emotion but I saw absolutely nothing.

Every now and then she would glance up and her eyes would meet mine and that was when I would see something. Was it .. sympathy?

Before I could tell she stopped reading. " What is it Vic? " I asked her. Nothing. " Vicky, what did it say!" I demanded. Still Nothing. " Fine, I'll just see for myself then. "

I cautiously reached for the paper and snatched it out Vicky's hands just like before. For a minute, I froze. I just stared at the paper as if it held everything I had ever wanted to know , but I wasn't sure I could read. Finally, I pulled out as much strength as I could and began to read. I must have memorized the words by the time I actually understood what they meant.

And that was it. That was how my happiness ended. Because in that moment my whole world fell apart. So I dropped it. I dropped my only chance to make it big through this amazing performing arts school as if it meant nothing.

As if letting go would suddenly change the fact that we were broke and fix my crushed heart.

A/N : Hey guys! Don't worry this is not the story line.... But it is VERY important for the story! T

On another note...

Poor Rachel, I felt so bad for her when writing this.. But Oh well! * cues evil laughter * Just Kidding I'm not that heartless unlike some co-writers

* cough hannah cough *

Feel free to ask any questions!  

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Bye. - Alex Xxx

Once Upon A Keyboard (One Direction Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ