Chapter 1

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Zayn's POV

 As I listened to Harry sing the same track for the fifteenth time in a row, I seriously considered hanging myself with the cord of the headphones that were at the moment around my neck. We were all running on 2 hours of sleep, since we had been recording until three in the morning, then we headed back to our flats. We had to get back up at six, and, with the car rides, that amounts to two hours of sleep. Finally, Simon, who had come today to see how it was going, spoke up.

"Does anyone want to go on a coffee run?" He asked, and my hand shot up.

"Okay, Zayn, I'll take a latte. What do you lads fancy?" He asked.

"I'll have a green tea." Harry said. The poor lad. He had been the one singing most of the time, and his voice was hoarse.

"Same." Louis said.

"I'll have a black coffee." Liam said, looking a little worse for wear.

"I'll have an espresso and a chocolate chip, blueberry, banana, and regular scone." Niall said. I Was glad I was writing this down, because I wasn't going to be able to remember all of this. I quickly wrote down a black tea for me and headed out. I walked to the little coffee shop that I remembered passing as the limo drove us back to our flats the previous night.

I walked into the warm coffee shop and was instantly relaxed because of the vibe that was set. I walked up to the counter.

"What can I get you?" The girl behind the cash register said, throwing me a wink. I rolled my eyes, but read off the items.

"Can I get a large latte, two large green teas, a large black coffee, a large espresso, a large black tea, and a blueberry, banana, chocolate chip, and a regular scone." I said. She nodded and read the order back to me. I paid her and sat down on one of the comfy looking chairs.

As I took in the room, I noticed that the music that had been playing was live. There was a girl sat at a keyboard in the back, her long brown hair falling over her face. She seemed very into the music. She sounded amazing. I was captivated, and I realize if the that the song she was singing was original. Her song finished and everyone in the coffee shop applauded, especially me.

She started packing up her music and keyboard and I knew I had to go talk to her. It was as if some invisible force was pulling me towards her, and I was too exhausted to even think about fighting it. I finally made it to her, and she looked up. If I wasn't in awe before, I was definitely in awe now. She had the prettiest face I had ever seen in my entire life, and, trust me, I had seen plenty of faces. Her face was perfectly sculpted. At first glance, I would have said her eyes were brown, but they were an odd color. They looked brown, green, and blue at the same time, if that's even possible. There was something else in them. Some kind of emptiness that I longed to find the cause for, because no girl that amazing should ever feel empty. 

"Excuse me?" she said in a quiet voice. I realized I had been staring. I blinked my eyes a few times, dazed.

"I just wanted to say that you are amazing. So do you play here regularly?" I asked in a smooth voice, which surprised me. She blushed.

"I play here every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night. And I really need to go." she said. As she was about to leave, I noticed she had a tip jar. As she picked it up, I slipped one hundred pounds in. I had it on hand, and money doesn't really mean anything to me anymore. I have so much of it. Her eyes widened when she saw the amount.

"Thank you." she said as she began to walk away. I grabbed her arm.

"What's your name?" I asked, finding a hint of courage.

"Rachel." she said and I allowed her to slip away from my grip. As soon as she walked out of the door, I began to ran back to the studio. When I burst into the room, all eyes were on me.

"Where's our coffee?" Simon asked,

"And tea?" Louis asked.

"And scones!" Niall said. I looked into my empty hands. I had completely forgotten about getting coffee.

"I forgot it, but I really need to talk to you." I said and they all gestured for me to continue.

"There was this girl at the coffee shop-" I started, but was cut off by Simon.

"It's always a girl." he said.

"Well, she was playing the piano and singing an original song. She was bloody amazing! She performs every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night. Can we please go tomorrow? Simon, you said you were looking for a new star, and I think I just stumbled upon her." I finished. All of the boys agreed to it, wanting to have a break tomorrow, but Simon seemed a bit torn.

"Fine, we can go, but don't say I've never done anything for you." he said, and we all cheered. I was happy until they started hounding me for forgetting the coffee.

A/N Hey guys! First chapter!

I hope you liked it!

For some reason, I really like this story.


Love you guys!

Thanks for reading!

~Hannah Stypayhorlikson (The nicer one in the co-writer-ship)

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