Chapter 3

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Rachel's POV:

The darkness still surrounded me, but now I could hear things, which I took to be a good sign.

"Mate, she's been out for half an hour. I think she's dead." I heard a voice say, and suddenly I broke free of the darkness. I blinked my eyes a few times, and I made out the shapes that were crowded around me.

"She's alive!" someone said and I looked at the faces. Immediately I recognized the guy from the coffee shop last night. Then it all came back to me. The guy that I complimented me on my voice was from One Direction, and I think the people that were crowded around me were in it, too! I struggled to find my voice, still trying to regain my bearings.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"6:00 PM." one said and I sprang up from the couch.

"Oh, no! I really have to go." I said as I ran straight from where ever I was. "Wait!" I could hear someone call. But I had to go. I ran outside and knew that I was about a block away from the coffee shop. I ran there. I was on in an hour, and I needed to write a song between now and then. I ran straight to the back and grabbed my keyboard and notebook. On the page was a bunch of scratched out lyrics. I looked at what I already had.

I followed my dreams

And learned the timing

I set my heart

Scared of nothing

I started singing them over and over, and eventually wrote a song. Just as I finished, the owner, Anna, told me to go on. I brought out my keyboard and music and sat down. I began to play the first notes.

When I was with you,

I was happy 

You taught me 

Made it happen

Now we both live in regret

Try to forgive and forget

When I was with you

I was happy

You taught me, made it happen

I followed my dreams

And learned the timing

I set my heart

Scared of nothing

You taught me how to


But now I'm with him

And he's taught me 

so many things

I let go of all my dreams

He made me lie

and never believe

So I guess you could say

That losing you

Was something I'll regret

When I was with you

It was enough

You taught me 

How to love

And forget

"I finished and everyone in the place clapped. It was a little choppy, but I think it was pretty good. I played a few more songs, and people came up and gave tips. I made a good load. I put my keyboard in it's case and packed away all of my things. I said bye to Anna, and left, the lyrics of my newest song still dancing in my head. I began to walk home. I was barely half down the street when I heard a chorus of "Wait!" and "Rachel!"s. I turned around to see all five members of One Direction and a guy in a suit running after me. Should I turn around and run home as fast as I can, or should I wait for them to catch up? As I was mentally debating this with myself, they caught up with me.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"You are amazing!" the lad with curly hair exclaimed. I think his name is like Larry.

 Thanks." I said.

"See, I told you she was good." Zayn said and I looked down, covering my face with my hair to hide the blush that was slowly creeping up.

"Yes, she is very good. Rachel, I am Simon Cowell." the man in suit said, holding his hand out for me to shake. I just stared at it while my mouth dropped open.

"You're Simon Cowell? I didn't recognize you!" I said. It started to get hard to breathe. He chuckled.

"Yes, I am, and you are very talented. Give me a call and we can arrange a meeting." he said, holding out his card. I took it and said and polite thank you.

"Well, I have to go." I said and began walking home. Already mouring about my chances.

A/N Thanks for reading, guys!

I love you all!

 How do you like it so far?

Sorry that the song kind of sucks. I'm a singer, not a songwriter.


And, remember, I'm the bestest author of this book!

( Dont believe her, SHE"S LYING! - Alex Xxx )

Dearest Alex: Growl

~Hannah Stypayhorlikson

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