Gender Swipe

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A boy with black hair and green eyes, soon shot up from his stiff bed, ignoring the aching pain on his back as he sat on his bed, looking into the dark ibis in his room just staring at the wooden walls. He sighed and went into his bathroom, looking at the mirror he started to get his razor and shave off his small stubbles. He looked to his shirt seeing it was the same from yesterday and sniff it to see if it stinks "Oh..., that sticks or is it just me." he said sniffing his arm pit again.

He shrugged and took off his shirt taking a quick shower and putting some deodorant on, he picked up his tight black shirt and military pants. He walked out of his room not caring for the lingering smell of blood in his room coming out, people really did expected that anyway, "Dude! how is it that your hair is always spiky, what's you secret?" Julian his best friend asked suddenly hooking his hand onto Christian's shoulder "What? oh..., um... secret." to tell the truth he wasn't sure how, he just woke up like that.

Christian soon started to run off to the woods, but he didn't go too deep just right at the border and jumped up grabbing a strong branch and started to swing on it, not log after he was right on top of the branch and he almost looks like Spider-woman for a second.

"Christian! get down there right now!" Amanda yelled, Christian rolled his eyes to the back of his head as he held onto the branch tightly and lean backwards causing him to hang upside down, but came face to face with Amanda Ruby Garcia, "I'm fine, Amanda." Christian assured the big sister like friend, "You say that now just wait until you get your head smash on a rock." Amanda warned.

Christian shrugged as he watch his best friend walked towards him, shyly. A smirk grew on his face as he spotted a familiar black haired asian slowly behind Julian "BOO!!!" Lea said scaring Julian "JEASUS WOMAN!!!" he yelled clenching his chest with his hand. Lea burst with laughter as she walked over to Christian "You owe me twenty bucks." Christian said as Lea walked away slowly.

"Oh..., no you don't" Christian said jump off the branch landing in front of Lea as she gasped in shock "Leave the girl alone, Christian." Aaron said "Aaron, your too involve with things your not suppose to be in, watching it before it does over line." Christian warned but sounded like a threat, Aaron was shocked by Christian's words and Christian glared to him placing his thumb in his front pockets and walked away.

"Damn he's so sensitive." Brianna said moving her hands around as she spoke, a small rock soon hit her head and it left a small bump but it still hurts for Brianna "OW! that hurts!" she whined "Walk it off!" Christian yelled to her as he walk away, Brianna tried to get revenge but instantly failed when the rock hit a jeep instead "You suck at throwing." Lea said to Brianna who huffed.

Christian's mind was empty as he walked aimlessly around the camp, but suddenly he spotted Rebecca's cabin and knew exactly what's happening, he kneeled down at the staircase tracing his fingers on the board feeling it's cold surface. He sighed in frustration and open Rebecca's door, unlocked. He sighed once more seeing the door unlocked, again and the trash and dim light from the TV and laptop, he glared at the huge lump on the bed which was Rebecca as he pull off the covers to see she was sleeping with her butt up in the air.

Disgusted Christian kicked her bed instantly giving her a shock and making her fall off the bed, "Hey! that hurts!" Rebecca whined "I don't care. Get up lazy ass, it's lunch already." Christian said looking down at her unamused and walked out, "And if you fall asleep again I will personally pull your ass out of that room!" "My hawt ass!" she yelled as Christian turned and saw the dented can of beer roll out of the door "That explains it." he said and walked back in lifting the hangover girl over his shoulder as she said "Ow! my head hurts, you shit!".

Christian rolled his eyes as he seated Rebecca on a chair and gave her a pill and water "Drink, it'll help with the headaches." he said handing the glass without looking to her, a light blush of pink was visible on her cheeks as she grab the glass and drank it. Christian was quite shock bratty Rebecca would't to drink it, but smiled a bit and ruffled her hair walking away.

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