Epic Stories

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Every epic story starts with an as epic first line, that will be remembered by everyone in centuries.

Mine is not.

My epic story starts with a line about first lines in epic stories, so that my story won't be considered anymore epic, but just the whines of a late teen girl, single and still in high school.

I've never been one to follow the trends, I've never been one to look at what people want and give them exactly that, I just follow my own need to make a story that will be worth my attention, and who knows, maybe also the attention of some people like me.

Now I'm supposed to tell you my name and stuff, right? Well, OK, just because it would be unpolite to do not.

My name is Elyon Juliet Lancelot, I'm a student and I've been rejected two years, so I'm a 19th years old in a class full of testosterone-full guys of 17th years old.

I don't have really many friends, or better, I don't have any in my general area of living.
If you want to look out, to other countries or even continents, I'm full of friends, and that may get you the idea that I'm just an ugly person outside instead I'm a real sweetie inside, so that's why people that meet me usually hate me, but you won't be exactly right.

People ask me out all the times, guys blushes when I pass by smiling, and pretty much all the girls hate me because I'm overall better than them, but I won't allow myself to make any true friend with them,even with the uncool guys that praise me every millisecond of my staying in that school, or they will find out my secret: I'm a HawkGamer.


Encyclopedia of Elyon Juliet Lancelot:

-HawkGamer: one person that plays HawkCastle.

-HawkCastle: the most awesome game ever, home, for the Unworthy is a video-game for LifeGlass, that allows you to enter in the enchanting Castle of Howland live amazing adventures.

-Unworthy:common name for the ones who doesn't play or doesn't know what HawkCastle is.

-LifeGlass:a pair of special glasses with special technology I won't blabber about that works like a computer, only controlled with your Intuitive, or your thoughts, and where one can get "Full In"and play games, do work and so on.


I must admit, that I have indeed a friend that lives alongside me, in my general area.

His name is Jackal Damien Berlin,I always found pretty cool that his surname is Berlin, as the German capital, and he is a HawkGamer too.

He has a quite punk-ish exterior, full of spikes and leather, but inside he is a sweetie, mostly to me: he has dyed white hair and he always wears red contacts, he thinks it makes him look like an albino and he absolutely wants to be one. His true colors would be black and blue tough, so he always has to replace the white dye before the black would be visible again.

        He always says that only two persons managed to see him is blue eyes: his mother and me.

His father walked off he and his mother when he wasn't born yet, and his mother Eleanor doesn't really talk about him and neither wants to remarry or even start dating, she believes that even if Jackal dad went away, she wouldn't be able to love someone else as much.

Me and Jackal are classmates, that means he is two years younger than me, but I have to say he looks older than me most of the times.

He is the best in our school, many may not think he is, looking at his shabby clothing style and his attitude, but he is really hard working and diligent. Jackal Damien is a Different,and I love him for that.

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