Worth It

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What is an ending?
An ending happens in various ways, it can be a happy ending, and incomplete ending, an open ending, or it could not end at all.

When I got hit by that bus, two years ago, I thought it was my end, but eventually it wasn't my time, and since i woke up a name keeps ringing in my mind, over and over as an ossessive melody of letters.
I wonder if that name was important to me before the bus too, but nothing comes to my mind but a feeling.


I found a diary from those years in the miscellaneous folder, and i got back my memories of Jackal Damien, altough I still find hard to understand why he would stick with someone as weird and hated as me.

I kept playing HawkCastle, and slowly I learned to not only rely on my body: I started to use my memories as a base to build a new identity of mine. I wasn't the same Elyon since that Elyon only relied on Jackal Damien.

Actually, I'll just call him Damien.

Reading my diary again made me riconsider choices again, mostly  closing my heart to others, and to erase my judgmental attitude to a more mild and nicer one.

A thing is still missing from me.


I miss him, even if he stole that kiss from me, he also showed me
my old life and from my diary I learned he was special to me.

It was never about the code, it was never  about the game or the Parr sisters, I was too jealous to understand it, and too stupid and scared to say him the truth.
But now I can see it, and I want to make this right.

I ran to school on that december morning, the third year from the accident that put me into that too long comatose state, searching for his eyes, i started to think what hue i really preferred, if his red contacts would have been really better than his deep sea blue ones.
After a moment i realized why my old self wanted those blue eyes for herself, and i felt guilty for having made Damien hide them.

As i see his white hair stand out from the normality, I call his name out loud, hoping he would turn.

"Damien Wait!!!"

He turns around angry, like he didn't like the name I was using... Did he prefer Jackal?

"I told you I don't want to see you ever again."

He rudely says, as I try remember my new, nicer self, and i decide to say both his names for this time, so see witch one he would like better of me using :

"I decided to ignore it. Jackal Damien, we need to talk."

He seems shocked for a bit while i could see his eyes gleam under the red contacts as i said both names.
So did he really liked both?

I took his hand and forced him to follow me. Then I stopped at the bus station, he was visibly shaken by the fact that we were missing a lesson by being there, and we would have been in too many troubles to count, but I needed to fill the void he left, both in my memories and my heart.

"This was the last place you smiled at me."

I tell him, as i could remember that day faintly:

"Now please tell me what happened."

And that he does.

He tells me about Heloise and her sister, he tells me how he loved me all those years together, how much he suffered every day as I was bullied by them, how he was so desperate to see me happy he gave himself to the enemy to see me smile.

Then he started crying, his word were incoherent muffles as he clutched his tshirt, then i decided it was enough, and i hugged him tight.

I started talking. I told him about a dream I read on my diary, to have a date in HawkCastle, to kiss gently and to awkwardly take one step at time, slowly and with love.

"You were my prince charming, but not anymore."

I say, smiling:

"But i am no princess, I'm just a fighter.
Would you like to be my partner in this fight?"

We both smile widely as he agrees, after all, this was never meant to be an epic story, nor a fairy tale.
This is just a normal story about two fighters of life, falling in love and overcoming their problems, together, until the end.

Until the moment they will sheat their swords and stop fighting, until the moment they will realize there was never a war to begin with, just a battle against destiny to win and laugh about in time.

End is not the death of an idea, it merely means the peace of mind after overcoming difficulties, the beginning of a more peaceful, routine based time in life.

As me and Jackal Damien, we found our end quits pleasing, and now we are happy.

What about you though, that is not for us to tell, as the obstacles you meet are surely different than ours.
But worry not, because if you ever find yourself in a twist of fate, that makes your life not similar to epic tale as you wish, remember any adventure has to be worth it.

Just remember that whatever choice you will make,

It should be a
choice with no regrets.

The end.


Wookie's corner:

Well, and this is how the story ends, maybe you'll like it? Maybe you'll dislike this all and stamp a copy just to burn it down along with everything I ever did, I don't know.

What I know is that i grew with this story lots, I improved thanks to this and i met a lot of people along the way who helped me.

I want to thank everyone of them, i want to let them know how much precious they are to me,
You are the true epic tale.

By the way, the titles of this story'chapters make a sentence... just thought you should know in case you didn't notice...

And a last thing, whoever guesses from what character i took the last line of this story will have an eventual another story dedicated to them!!

Well, this will be all.

Have a life worth living,
Yours, WookieTheBeater.

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