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Its not every Friday you wake up to screaming and crying. Its not new to Jimin though, he knows very well how much of a loser his roomate is and if Hoseok ruined another pan because he tried to cook he's going to cry. Fortunately its not another burned pan but the idiot got his hand stuck in a jar.

"Hoseok what the fuck?!?" Its quiet and Hoseok looks like he's been caught doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing. Which is true, Jimin banned him from using the kitchen unless he was being supervised. He really doesn't want their landowner to kick them out because of another fire.

"That's hyung to you, you little shit. I was trying to be a good boyfriend and cook breakfast and serve it too him but no, life hates me and has cursed me with horrible luck." Jimin winces because shit he feels so sorry for Yoongi hyung. He's tried Hoseok's food and fuck does it suck.

"Hyung, I don't think Yoongi hyung would eat your food even if you begged him to, sorry."

"You hurt me Jimin, you hurt me really bad." Hoseok cries out clutching his heart with his free hand. Its all overdramatic and Jimin is use to it really.

"Now help me take my hand out of here, because I can't really feel it and- oH my god?!? Is it turning purple?!?" Hoseok screams some more, panicking about how life hates him and he's going to die. Jimin tries to calm him down. Telling him its alright and life does want him alive.

"Can all of you, shut up?" A scream comes from down the hall, it makes Hoseok finally shut up and remember his boyfriend is still in his room sleeping or was sleeping.

"Oh my god, babe! You wouldn't believe what happened to me!" Hoseok screams, jar still stuck on his hand running towards his room leaving the mess he made behind.

"....I need new friends." Jimin sighs, slowly grabbing the broom and sweeping the mess up. Its to early for this.


"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends-"

"Jimin! Stop hogging the bathroom you shit!! Also, stop replaying the same spice girls song, damnit!" Jimin rolls his eyes at the knocks on the door. Finally skipping the song and putting on some song Namjoon requested him to listen to. Its catchy and it probably means something cool, but Jimin wouldn't understand since he doesn't really speak French, its okay though because Namjoon recommended it. It could've been a crappy song and he still would've loved it because Namjoon told him to listen to it. He hasn't talked to Namjoon since Wednesday, and he doesn't want to seem clingy but he misses him. And yeah okay its probably only been 57 hours since they last spoke not that he's been counting or anything.

He's to deep in his thought that he doesn't notice his song stopped playing a long time ago. And it's been replaced with his notification sound. Speaking of the devil.


24 hours, 17 min and 38sec and I finally get to see you

Jimin smiles holding back giggles because he's been so excited and oh god he's so ready to meet him.

parkboi95: you're such a loser, you calculated how much time we have till we meet

what can I say, you're always in my mind.

parkboi95: I'm skskskdj I hate you.

namonstar: you love me. :) anyways, happy valentines day Jimin. Hope you dream of me <3

And, yeah Jimin is not blushing, he's totally not. Its just really hot in south California okay.

parkboi95: you're such a dork ugh, stop flirting with me

namonstar: I'll stop flirting when you stop being cute uwu

parkboi95: jokes on you, I'm not cute, I'm sexy~

namonstar: oh babe, you're both bye

There's a loud scream and the sound of a phone being thrown against the wall. But if Hoseok and Yoongi heard anything, they pretended they didn't.


what what what what what I have arrived and I'm going to finally finish this book like how yoongi finishes hoseok in any daddy smut ;)))) lmao jfc jk I'm a loser bye xx

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