Chapter 1 - New Start

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Lucifer woke up with a jolt when the cab came to a stop outside the building where he'd be living for god knows how long. It was an old building, quite large, the colour from the bricks slowly fading away from their dark red to something a bit more orange.
"Hey, Luce. Better get going, eh?" John Carter, Lucifer's only and best friend, said. He was a couple of years older than himself, twenty seven, and was already a trauma surgeon at an ER in Chicago. He was a tall, skinny but pretty well built, dark brown hair and even darker eyes; almost black. Carter shook Lucifer's shoulder and looked at him, a tiny bit of concern in his eyes, and raising a brow.
"Yeah.." he mumbled and blinked, running a hand through his dirty blonde hair as got out of the cab while Carter paid for the ride. Lucifer stood there, looking at the building, tugging at the sleeves on his long sleeved shirt, as Carter went to the trunk and got his three bags; two containing clothes and some pictures, and one with his laptop and other some of his favourite books.
"Thank you so much, John." He said softly and managed to smile, looking up at the slightly taller man.
"No need to thank me, Luce. You know, you'll always have a home with me." Carter said and smiled, pulling Lucifer into a tight hug. Those hugs was Lucifer's calm in the middle of the storm, a rock in a wavy ocean. It calmed him down.
"Yes, I know.. And I will come back to Chicago during the breaks. It's my home and you're my family, Carter." He mumbled, hugging him back just as tight, his head resting on John's shoulder.
"And you are mine, my only family and only home." Carter told him as he pulled back and looked at Lucifer, handing over the bags to him. "And don't forget the American accent," he reminded Luci and smiled, chuckling softly. So many years living abroad has given him a special accent; a touch light of French and a strong touch of Canadian and British, but when he got really emotional in a anyway it was simply just a Canadian accent.
"I won't, I promise." Lucifer reassured him and smiled, taking his bag. "I'll call you later." He told him in his best American accent, watching Carter get into the cab again, waving and smiling slightly as he drove off. Then he was gone.
Lucifer sighed and turned around, looking at the building in front of him. It would be strange to live in a dorm when he had lived so many months in mansion. No, he wasn't that kid but, yes, he lived in a mansion. It was Carter's mansion, his name was John Truman Carter the third for a reason. He eventually made his way inside and walked up the stairs, humming a soft tune to himself. The room he was going to live in was on the highest floor in the large building. Lucifer used the key he had gotten at the expedition to get inside. Looking around quickly, nothing too out of order. It was pretty neat, a dark purplish colour in the walls, black wooden floors, two beds on either side of the room and two nightstands on either side of the beds, two desks with chairs, two closets, and a simple bathroom. The room was quite symmetrical. Lucifer walked over to the bed that wasn't covered in tons of pillows, setting his bags down. He took off his jacket, laying it on the backrest of the chair by the desk, and kicked off his shoes, putting them by his bed.
Lucifer started to unpack, putting his laptop on the desk with its charger and most of his books, except one, Hamlet, his absolute favourite, he put that one on the nightstand. He started to fill his closet with clothes, he had a lot of different clothes, expensive suits and fancy ties to washed out jeans and hoodies. He pushed two of the bags in under the bed when he had unpacked, the computer bag by his desk. He heard the bathroom door being unlocked and opened, not turning around but knowing that it was his new roommate.
"Oh, hi.." The man said quietly and Lucifer turned around. "You must be my new roommate. I am Sam, Sam Winchester." He said either a smile, looking Lucifer up and down, the stranger now had a name, Sam Winchester. Sam extended his hand and lucifer shook it, smiling slightly.
"You can call me Nick, Nick Alighieri." Lucifer said quietly and put up a fake smile. He never told people his real, well, first, name; people always assumed too much and judged way too easily. So he told people his middle name, and Nick is not that far away from Nicholas.
"Nice to meet you, Nick." Sam said and let go of his hand, sitting down at his desk.
"Nice to meet you too, Sam." Lucifer told him mostly because it's the proper and decent thing to do.
"So.. Where are you from?" Sam asked him, looking at him and raising a brow.
"You know.. Here and there.. Been living in Chicago and New York for the last months or so." Lucifer soda quietly, fixing his bed like he wants it. "What about you, Sam?" He said after a short while.
"Me? Uhm.. I'm from Kansas. Born and raised." Sam nodded slowly and smiled softly. Lucifer could feel Sam's eyes on him while he moved around, eventually sitting down on his bed.
"Nice. I've never been to Kansas." Lucifer mumbled and nodded slowly, looking around the room, yawning.
"You should go to sleep, it's getting late, and no offence, but you don't look so good.." Sam stated, looking over Lucifer again and raising a brow.
"It was a long flight here.." He mumbled and chuckled softly, looking down at his hands, nodding be slowly. "I guess, yeah, better go to sleep.." He shrugged and got up, walking to his closet and taking out a pair of black pyjama bottoms and boxers, grabbing his tooth brush and other stuff that belonged in the bathroom.
Lucifer took off his clothes and changed into the clean clothes. He brushed his teeth and washed his face then walking back out to their room, only wearing pyjama bottoms, putting his clothes on his chair. Sam was already laying in his bed, probably asleep but Lucifer wasn't quite sure. Lucifer crawled in under his sheet, listening to some music; trying his best to relax. After a few hours of laying in the dark he reached for his messenger bag and took some of the sleeping pills he had, swallowing them dry.
He fell asleep minuets later, still listening to music.

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