Chapter 3 - New Page

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((This is just chapter one but from Sam's POV. I might keep it like this, two chapters from Lucifer's POV then a chapters from Sam's POV. Enjoy!))

Sam walked into his room, coffee in hand. He sighed as he remembered that the new roommate was coming today. "Why can't I be left alone? People don't like me anyways." Sam though to himself as he closed the door behind himself. He took off his jeans jacket and his shoes, hanging his jacket on one of the hooks by the door and putting his shoes by the bedside. Sam sat down at his desk, taking a sip of his coffee. "And I sure don't like them. Why would this time be any different?" Sam thought again and sighed, shaking his head as he started up his laptop.
"Stop thinking like that. You haven't even met him." He told himself while logging in to his laptop.
Sam took out a piece of paper and a pen, making a list of what he needs to do.
Finish the essay
• Take a shower
• Read the last chapter of that damn book
• Check email
• Get something to eat (that isn't just a sandwich)
Don't call Elijah!
Sam sighed, again, and took a long sip of his coffee, wishing he had poured some kind of alcohol in it. It took a few minutes for him to get started with the conclusion paragraph but once he had gotten a few words in, it all seemed to work and make sense. A few hours later he was done, proofreading it over and over again Sam sighed and got up from his desk, getting a towel and walking into the bathroom. He turned on the water and waited for it to get warm, taking off his clothes while waiting then stepping into the hot water, quickly washing himself off.
Sam got dressed and finished his, now cold coffee, sitting down at his desk again and checking his email. Nothing new, just a few mails from Facebook and some other shit like that. After that he picked up his book from his nightstand and started reading where he left off, leaning back in his chair and kicking his feet up on his desk.
With a sigh Sam got up and laid down on his bed face first, deciding to sleep for a while.

Sam woke up after a while. Yawning and sitting up, rubbing his eyes as he sat up, putting on his shoes and stood up. Taking his wallet and keys, walking out from his dorm and down the street to the local café. He held the door open for some strangers before he walked inside.
It was a pretty small café, red coloured walls, dark wooden floors, glass displays with whatever you could buy, black chalkboards hanging behind the counter with what you could buy written on them, small, round, glass tables and matching chairs.
Sam got himself a coffee, (yes, more coffee) and a salad. He sat down at a table by the window, sipping on his coffee and looking out the window. He slowly started to eat his salad, reading a book on his phone. Honestly, he didn't even know what it was about, not that he cared that much about it, just wanting to read something. When he had finished his salad and coffee, he took a long walk back to his dorm, just thinking about anything and everything and nothing at the same time.
Sam sighed and started to clean up the mess of a desk he had, putting back books in there place, throwing away unnecessary papers and the old left overs of food that was covering most of his desk, fixing his necessary papers in a nice pile beside his laptop.
Sam checked his watch, it was just past twelve o'clock, the roommate was supposed to be here half past.
Sam sighed once again and took out a white t-shirt and a clean pair of dark blue jeans from his closet. He went to the toilet and chem he'd into the clean clothes.
He was about to unlock the door and walk but stopped himself when he heard someone walk inside, leaning against the door to hear what the stranger did. It must be the roommate, he figured. He heard some unpacking being done, the zipping of a couple of bags and things being taken out of them, drawers being opened and closed. He walked out once it was more or less quiet.
"Oh, hi.." He said quietly, the stranger turning around and looking at him. "You must be my new roommate. I am Sam, Sam Winchester." He said with a smile, eyeing him up and down. The stranger was absolutely stunning. Dirty blonde hair, ice blue eyes, tall, skinny but quite fit. Sam extended his hand and the stranger shook it and smiled slightly.
"You can call me Nick, Nick Alighieri." Nick said and smiled. Though something seemed off with that. "You can call me Nick.." Sam thought. "Who says You can call me.. It might be his nickname.. Then what's his real name?"
"Nice to meet you, Nick." He said and let go off Nick's hand, the handshake lasting just a bit too long. He walked over to his desk and sat down.
"Nice to meet you too, Sam." Nick told him.
"So.. Where are you from?" Sam asked him, looking at him and raising a brow.
"You know.. Here and there.. Been living in Chicago and New York for the last months or so." Nick said quietly and fixed his bed, probably the way he wants it. "What about you, Sam?" He said after a short while.
"Me? Uhm.. I'm from Kansas. Born and raised." He nodded slowly and smiled softly, watching Nick's every move, just never wanting to take them of off him, eventually Nick sat down on his bed again.
"Nice. I've never been to Kansas." Nick mumbled and looked around the room, yawning.
"You should go to sleep, it's getting late, and no offence, but you don't look so good.." Sam stated, looking at Nick again and raising a brow.
"It was a long flight here.." Nick mumbled and chuckled softly, looking down at his hands, nodding slowly. "I guess, yeah, better go to sleep.." He shrugged and got up, walking to his closet and taking out some clothes along with some other stuff, then he walked into the bathroom.
There was just something about Nick that seemed.. Off. Something wasn't right and Sam knew it. Sam got changed into a pair of clean boxers and a loose t-shirt, crawling in under the blanket.
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, clearing his head and relaxing. Soon falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2016 ⏰

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