Lace and the light; part 1.

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"I am oh so lonely. Oh so on my own..."

Lace sang out his heart to the shadow of his home below him. Lace stood over the edge. He was careful to hold onto the fence behind him. For he was quite afraid of falling into the black void beneath him.

Lace lived on an island in the sky. He has lived there for his entire life. Or for as long as he can remember. You see, Lace seems to forget the past as the future becomes present. He forgets if he ever had a family, or any friends. He is alone here on this island.

Lace swung himself over the white fence surrounding his house.

It was a quaint house. Small but charming. With a pretty surrounding garden, and the pretty pink walls. He liked the colour pink. It made him smile.

It was the evening now, and Lace began to become afraid. He did not like the nightime. It was dark and the sun was his only friend.

Lace watched the sun fall beneath the darkness below. "Goodnight sun." Lace said when it was halfway gone away.

Lace quickly ran towards his house, for fear of being trapped in the dark.

He opened his door quickly and closed it behind him.

Lace lit up the inside of his home, as much as he could with candles and matches. Lace then ran upstairs quickly to lit there up as well. Satisfied with the tiny amounts of light, Lace took a deep sigh and decided he would watch the sun go down completely before he went into slumber.

Lace waved goodbye from his window and watched as the sun fell away. Lace felt fear and more loneliness now. The rest of the world grew black. Except for the candles around his bedroom.

But keeping his eyes on the pitch black sky, he saw a little light begin to flicker. It seemed to be falling down. It was faster than the sun. But it was much smaller and it looked much like a diamond with a tail, flying down.

Lace seemed to remember stories of some sort, that this magical little diamond could grant wishes.

Lace focused on the falling crystal and made a wish.

"I wish I had a friend with me." Lace whispered his wish into the air.

The little star fell away with the sun.

Nothing happened.

Lace decided it mustn't be true, and dissapointedly crawled under the covers of his bed. Closing his eyes in sadness. To sleep until morning.

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