Lace and the light; part 2.

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Lace woke up and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

He got up and walked downstairs. To Lace, getting up to see the sun was very important to him.

He began to walk downstairs when he heard the sound of water from the tap and dishes.

The farther he got downstairs it became louder. And he heard the sound of a very beautiful and warm voice singing his song.

"I am oh so lonely, oh so on my own, in this little island, in my tiny home..."

Lace stood in the doorway of the kitchen. He could barely believe the sight before him.

A boy slightly shorter than him, was washing his dishes, and singing his song.

He was even wearing Lace's clothes, which had him wondering how this boy took them without Lace's knowledge of it.

The strange new boy finally noticed a shocked Lace, standing in the doorway.

"Oh good morning my friend!" His voice floated around the room softly. "I thought you could use some help with these dirty dishes, there was quite a few of them."

Lace shook his head to clear his mind. "Why thankyou, but, why are you here?"

The boy made a look as if to say he should already know.

"You made a wish, of course." He answered.

"Oh, yes of course..." Lace said a bit disbelieving. "And your name might be?"

The boy laughed cheerfully. "Arun. I am your friend."

Lace decided not to question the answer of his wish, instead he smiled happily for the first time. He was not alone.

"That is a nice name, my name is Lace." He extended his hand for Arun to shake it.

Arun wiped his hands clean from the dirty water with a towel, and wrapped his hand around Lace's. "It is nice to meet you, friend."

The two spent the rest of their morning cleaning around the little house, until it was the middle of the day. The sun peered overhead the cloudy blue sky. As lace and his new friend Arun went into the garden and sat upon a lone bench in the middle.

Lace stared up into the clouds, imagining creatures and stories in the white puffs above.

Arun began to pick up a dead dandelion from in between the flowers. Lace put his hand around Arun's wrist.

"Oh no, don't do that, you mustn't just pull the weed away, it'll only grow again with the roots.."

Arun giggled at his serious sounding friend. "Do not worry, I am going to make a wish. Then we can pull the roots out later."

Lace let go, but was still confused. "A wish?" He asked intrigued.

"Yes," Arun replied, "if you make a wish and blow the seeds away from the dandelion, it'll come true."

Lace still wasn't sure of this idea. "Then you'd be spreading the seed of the dandelion through the garden."

Arun smiled cheerfully and got up holding the white fluffy weed with him. He walked to the edge of the island, where the fence was.

"Then I'll make my wish here."

Lace ran after him and watched. Arun brought the dandelion to his lips and made his wish.

"I wish, I would be with you forever and ever."

He took a deep breath and in one blow, the seeds drifted away from the dead body of the flower, and into the void of darkness below.

Lace felt joy. His new friend was so kind and so much smarter than he. How lucky he was to have Arun around.

Arun tuned around to face his friend.

"The wish will come true." Arun whispered softly and sweetly.

Lace wrapped his arms around him in a long and calming embrace.

The sun began to fall back down again. The light of the sunset focused on Lace and Arun, as the held each other in the warmth of the sunset.

Lace and the light.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora