Lace and the light; part 3.

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Night came again, darkening the world and causing Lace to scramble inside, illuminating candles around his home.

Arun watched Lace as he ran around his home frantically, continuing the same nightly ritual he always had. Arun thought it amusing to see Lace so eager to make sure his home was lit up.

Panting and tired Lace made his way down the stairs and slumped onto the couch in his living room. Arun had been waiting for his friend. Kicking his feet against the chair.

"You really made a dash for upstairs didn't you?" Arun joked.

Lace groaned tiredly and swung his legs over the side of the couch, sitting up.

"Yes. I cannot stand the dark." He said embarrassed.

Arun sat down next to him. "Oh, you're afraid of the dark?" He asked, now concerned for his friend.

Lace bit his lip. He felt it was an irrational fear and telling Arun about it would turn him away.

"N-no, I just need to light my home up or I cannot see anymore."

Arun didn't believe him. Lace seemed nervous and he could see his hands shaking. Arun cared about his friend, but decided he shouldn't bother Lace about something he did not want to discuss.

So Arun and Lace decided it was time for them to say goodnight. Lace went upstairs and Arun willingly slept on the couch. He put out the candles in the living room and laid down against the cushiony pillows.

He was slowly drifting into sleep, when he heard a quiet and high sound from upstairs.

In fear for Lace, he ran upstairs, it began to grow louder and sounded like crying.

Arun opened the door to Lace's bedroom. As he stepped inside, he could see his friend crying, with his arms wrapped around his legs. There where candles lit up all around the room, but it was still quite dark.

Arun slowly crawled onto the bed beside his friend, and ran his hand against Lace's back comforting his friend.

"Why are you crying, Lace?" Arun asked, his voice quiet.

Lace sighed and wrapped his arms around Arun. In between his tears, he told Arun how he was feeling.

"I am afraid of the dark. I hate being alone when it's dark."

Arun wrapped his arms around Lace. "Why didn't you tell me before?"

Lace blushed and looked at his friend. Arun could see his face was was red and he looked very tired. "I didn't want to worry you." He said.

"Oh no..." Arun whispered. "You can tell me anything, I understand, I want to help you."

Lace felt like all the butterflies in his stomach had disappeared. The beating of his heart began to slow down, and his head stopped pounding. He smiled. Pressed his head against Arun, and let out a deep breath.

Arun. His friend. Was so understanding and kind. He was so happy to have him here.

"I know." Arun whispered. He laid Lace against the bed, and cuddled next to him. "I'll sing." He told his friend.

"I am oh so lonely, oh so on my own, in this little island, in my tiny home. Where somewhere lies in nowhere."

Lace closed his eyes. He felt warm and relaxed lying here next to Arun. Arun's voice was peaceful and so pretty.

Arun stopped singing the song. There was no other verse, that was all there was to Lace's song. He thought for a moment of what to sing, but he already knew what came next.

"You are oh so lovely, oh so wonderful, in this little island, in this tiny home, where I become your light, for us to speak, every day come night."

As Arun finished the last line, he sighed of sadness.

He noticed Lace was already asleep.

Arun yawned feeling sleepy.

He kissed his friends forehead and closed his eyes. "Goodnight." He told him, "I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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