(1) Joey made Dinner.

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"You're an idiot." Daniel says while sitting up on the couch.

Joey was standing behind the couch pouting. "You tricked me."

~A minute ago~

Daniel was peacefully napping on the couch when Joey Graceffa (sitting next to this angel.) Got a brilliant idea.

Slowly getting off the couch, he dashed to the kitchen counter to grab his camera.

He turns it on and points it at himself.

"Its later, and Daniel's sleeping..." He points it in Daniels direction. "I'm gonna get real close then scream."

Joey grins at the camera and tip toes toward the couch.

Pointing the camera at Daniel's still figure, he whispers, "Shh." To his viewers.

And right before Joey screams... Daniel sits up so fast screaming, "HEY!"

Joey flinches so hard, his camera falls in Daniel's lap. A squeak is followed.

Daniel laughed. "Ha!"

Joey's hand rested on his chest and he sighed. "Why'd you do that?

Daniel cocked his head. "You're an idiot."
~Present time~

"Why were you trying to scare me, pig." Daniel asks.

"It was suppose to to be funny." Joey answers.

Daniel picked the camera up, notices its still on and glares at the lens. "Joey's horrible. Unsubscribe!"

Joey laughs and takes the camera back, "Don't tell them that! Why were you pretending to be asleep?"

Daniel yawned. "I was asleep, then I felt you get up, knowing you were up to something... because you're you. I listened to you talking to yourself."

Joey giggled. "He's rude." He whispers to the camera.

"I heard that." Daniel says. "And I agree."

Joey shuts the camera off. "So I made dinner while you were napping you're beauty off."

"What? I don't think you said that right..."

"No. Shh I said it right. Anyway...."

"Ew." Daniel says.

Joey giggles. "Anyway...I made food. Let's eat."

"You cooked? Uh-Oh."

Daniel follows Joey to the kitchen.

"Hey! I used to cook my own food before you crashed in my life. Now I'm fat."

Daniel chuckles. "No your not, big boy."

Joey pinches Daniel, "ow!"

"You're the reason why I'm a Fat ass now."

Daniel takes Joey's hand and pulled him up against him. He looks down at Joey 'don't wait' style.

"You've got the nicest, sweetest ass." Daniel whispers.

"That's sick." Joey then kisses Daniel on the lips for a few
seconds then pulls away. "Let's eat."

Daniel knew Joey was a little turned on by how fast he changed the subject of their situation.

Or he was just very hungry.

They approach the unknown substance in a pot.

"So what is this exactly?" Daniel asks.

Joey scratches his faded blue hair. "I don't know...exactly. At first I was making apple sauce out of apples then apple pie..."

"In a pot?"

"Yeah." Joey says with no confidence. And Daniel was about to be honest.

"Sweety...this looks..." Daniel couldn't even explain it.

"Let's just try it. It has to taste better than it looks."

They both grabbed a fork and took a bite.

"Mm! This is good!" Daniel says.

Joey's expression twist. "It taste okay but... sort of like...beef."

"What? That can't be, it taste soy sweet and juicy." Daniel says.

"No...it doesn't."

"Maybe its because you looked at it. Close your eyes." Daniel forks the substance. "Here, try it again dear."

Joey opens his mouth a little, with hesitation. "Ah."

Daniel puts the fork right in front of Joey's mouth then leans in (putting the fork in the pot beforehand.) And kisses him, his tongue enters his mouth sliding against Joey's Tongue. He gasped in shock but was muffled by Daniel.

Joey's hands rests on Daniel's chest and his fingers tightens on the front of his shirt.

Joey then pulls away suddenly.

"Ew ew ew...didn't like that, didn't like that at all!" He says while making a very disgusted face.

"What? It really doesn't taste good to you?"

"When you kissed me it taste a little sweet then it got...bad, really really bad." Joey says.

Joey's vision blurred a little and his eye lids felt heavy.

Daniel yawned.



"Is it me or are you sleepy too?"

"What...did you put in that...?"

"Cinnamon and... something else."

Joey's knees went weak and he took a seat on the stool next to the counter.

"I'm soooo tired."

And when they're eyes met everything started to get dark.

They were both asleep.

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