(19) Kuina

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"First of all, the second you see someone, you know you love them, you do."
-Daniel Preda

Joey woke up first.

He was sitting  on the stool and looked around to see Daniel laying on the floor.

(Same positions they were in the first time they woke up in this story)

Joey gets up and pats Daniels head.
"Wake up."

Daniel slowly sits up and looks around in confusion. "Why am I laying on the floor?"

Joey shrugs. "What happens last night? I feel like I had the weirdest dream."

"Me too! I can't really remember now but I feel like it was weird."

So Daniel made eggs and set down the plates.

"Who's is that?" Joey asks. Pointing to the 3rd plate.

"Oh, that's for..." Daniel then stopped. "I guess, no one."

So he put that plate away.

All day the two have been feeling rather different, from Joey claiming to hear a child's voice to Daniel checking his room to see no one.

One body was taking a nap in his bed and for some weird reason, Daniel didn't like that.

That night Joey spoke up. "I know you're hear with me...but, I don't know, I feel so alone."

"Same!" Daniel says. "I have a strange feeling my dream had something to do with it."

"Why do you think that?"

"I don't know. I don't feel right, something is off. Let's retrace our steps."

"Alright, what happens yesterday?...oh! You made me clean up puke!"

"I did. That was gross, I'm glad I didn't have to clean that up."

"Pig. So you puked?"

"What? No. I don't think so."

"Oh, maybe it was just wolf."

"Yeah. So what else happened?"

"I don't know. These past two weeks feel like a blur to me."

They are quiet.

"Guess it doesn't matter."

"Yeah." Joey says.

After a few minutes of standing there thinking, Daniel groans. "Jan."

"Jan?" Joey lifts an eye brow. "Who is Jan?"

"I don't know, its short for Janiel but I don't know why I thought of that?"

"You're a good thinker. Let me think. Jan...Jan...Jan..."

There was a knock at the door and Daniel answered it.

"Hey." Shane says.

"Hey Shane, why are you hear?"

Shane walks in. "Joey texted me yesterday, well... it wasn't Joey. It was his 'cousin'."

"My cousin? My cousins haven't contacted me in..."

Shane laughs. "Shut up, you know what I mean. She texted me to come tell you guys who she is."

Daniel and Joey tilted their heads.

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