Chapter 13

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"Suri could you bring me my lunchbox?" Dawnett's voice echoed on the other side of the line, "I forgot my bag in the hall with my wallet so I couldn't buy anything here either!"

I glared at my phone for the second time today and mumbled angrily to it, "You're giving me bad luck, I swear."

"What?" she shouted and I jerked the phone away from my ear. With a wince, I rubbed the tragus, as if that would help my ear recover faster from the assault it had just been put through. "There is so much noise in here so you have to speak louder! The bag with food is in the hall, the hall!"

"Yes, I heard you the first time," I shouted back, hoping that she would hear me through the boisterous chaos in the ER. Luckily she did. In the background, someone called her name and after shouting back, Dawnett turned her attention back to me.

"As I said, the food is in the hall. Thank you, gotta go!"

I smirked at her dissolving image on the screen of my phone as she hung up, before turning on my heel and walk up the stairs to the entrance door to the building.

Twenty minutes later I arrived at the hospital, with my backpack in one arm and her stuffed bag in the other. The entrance was unusually packed today and I raised on my tip toes to try and spot a certain brunette with crystal blue eyes. She was nowhere to be seen. After sending a quick text message and telling her my location, I began to gently push my way through the people that were packed, like sardines in a tin, between the automatic glass doors of the building.

"Excuse me!" I said as tugged on one of the bags, which had gotten wedged between two heavily set women. One of them looked up from her phone and sent me an apologetic smile before stepping to the side, allowing the bag to swing back to me and I nodded gratefully to her before continuing my walk towards the door that led to the halls where the examination rooms were.


Stumbling a bit with the items in my hands, I swirled around to face the person who had almost made me fall. My gaze fell on two fingers, which were curled under one of the straps of my backpack, before traveling up towards the face of the man who'd just barked at me.

I frowned. "Sorry, can I help you?"

"Wait for your turn like the rest of us," he glared at me through his round glasses. "Either grab a queue ticket or find a seat. We've been here since seven in the morning."

He made a lazy gesture towards the people seated or lying down in the room. My gaze fell on a woman who was currently puking in a paper bag.

"I'm not a patient," I frowned and glanced at his outfit, silently pitying him as I took in his appearance.

With that kind of suit, one could only guess the kind of emergency that was required for him to head to the hospital on such an hour. No wonder he was so cranky and I had to admit it was partly my fault for making him acquire such brusque behavior, as I could've taken the staff entrance instead of the public one. Was it his wife, perhaps, or his child that he was waiting for in this room, though?

"I'm actually a-"

"Wonderwoman!" a familiar voice boomed from behind me. I swirled around.

Dawnett beamed like the sun as she power walked to me, with her hands open. "You are truly a hero for bringing me my bag."

A small chuckle escaped me as I handed her the shoulder bag and opened my jacket. "What will your supervisor say about this kind of carelessness?"

"She's too busy assisting in a surgery to care. Now let's go!"

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